India part 2
Dec 22 Posted blog on internet and checked emails. Sent a complaint email about Delhi guide. Had a very nice Rajasthani meal at our hotel the Golden Tulip. A buffet with delicious sweets. Dec 23. Downstairs for 7.30 and found St Xavier’s church next to big school with balloon for Christmas! Jesuits. Turned out mass was at 8.30 a.m. so ended up having coffee with 3 of the priests. The school principal older and wiser and he made some interesting observations. In India people may be poor but they are not alone whereas in the west they are lonely and nobody has time to talk to you. The Mass was in English with 2 priests and a music group which used their own hymnal compiled by young people. This seem to contain most of the worst 70s American hymns and we had nothing to do with Advent or Mary! All the proper texts were incorrect even the Lord’s prayer and after a while everything seemed to sound the same. The Swedish mass for the Kyrie. Noted one item by Kavin Mathew (Kevin Mayhew?)....