Provincial weekend
Thursday jigsaw and set off for Chatham in good time. Lovely day. Hotel is very near M2 - noise in the night from the road. We both woke at 4. Spa treatment very invigorating scrub then shower and massage. Nearly fell asleep! Swim and sauna. LsiUk zoom went very well at 7. Big discussion about encounter next year some of it hardly helpful eg North Wales or a monastery an hour away from Salford by car! Dinner was Ok and met 2 Catenian couples. Friday swim and good breakfast saw our new friends again. To Chatham Dockyard and visited 2 ships. Di d not attempt the steep stairs or the sub. Call the midwife tour was very good - a lot of walking and standing but the room with the sets excellent. Spent a lot in the rope shop - the ropery not working. RNLI museum very well done. Back in time for 4.30 full body massage very relaxing. Swim and sauna. The dinner was god if the service was slow. Chris Woodward from Wimbledon got me a hearing aid as I had forgotten to bring spares and the...