Lent 2 continued
Thursday art and started on VE day painting. Aerobics and Liz came. Swam 20. To Lidl very busy. Lovely and sunny in the garden. Bruce arrived. Interview with Lord Sugar. Apprentice. Root and Branch Tony Cassidy on the Eucharist. Friday booked car at Honda Orpington for washer bottle. Ironing done. Unacc and 10 at class and Liz came for lunch. Liz went to get her cross fixed. To Natural History museum Visions of nature some displays not working. Wildlife photographer of the year stunning as usual. I think the manatee and baby should have won. To Pret and Liz met me there. To Mountbatten Festival Royal Marines on great form. Ukranian singers and Norwegian composer. Tribute to evacuated children. Liz bought a Royal Marines bear. Home at 11.30. A fascinating Saturday. Bruce was up early and off to Hammersmith. To St Martin in the Fields via East Croydon and London Bridge. Oscar Romero service. Martin Prendergast organised the music. Richard Carter presided and at last met ...