A holy nation

On Thursday evening I travelled up to Kentish Town. There was just time to hear Fr Tim's excellent homily at the 5.30 p.m. Mass on St. Peter's comment "You are the Christ". The training session for small group leaders was held in the hall of Our Lady help of Christians which looks like a fine church from the outside in the dark! Everyone was very friendly and Mark from the Westminster agency for evangelisation gave an excellent powerpoint presentation and plenty of time for us to discuss ideas. I got Thameslink as was (now some such name as Centrerail) back to Tulse Hill and the bus home which took about 70 minutes so plenty of time to read "The Tablet"! I produced a poster for the Lent groups featuring the cover of the booklet and a lovely free prayer card we were given, This shows the Metropoiltan cross which is actually very heavy to carry! My group will be on Wednesdays in the Hinsley room from 4 to 5 p.m. Rather an odd time - I am usually listening to choral evensong on the radio at that time, although I believe this will be changing to Sundays soon. It was the only time I could do on all 6 Wednesdays as I have a Verdi rehearsal one week in the morning and other meetings. Not to mention the first Wednesday at the centre for spirituality. The course looks excellent and focuses on baptism so it is ideal for an ecumenical group.


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