Pat Edelston

I played for Pat's funeral at St Dominic's, Waddon last Tuesday. He was a great character and an outstanding Catenian. Norwood Circle is not as strong now as when I first joined. Pat was always an encourager and supported me well when I was President. In later years his hearing failed and he would loudly comment in the meeting "Oh, get on with it!" At the monthly pub lunches he would be lively and argumentative until his health failed and he lost some of the old spark. The last time I saw him in Mayday Hospital he was on great form, chatting up the nurses and recalling everyone. Liz visited him too and he enjoyed that. Kitty needs our prayers and she has sent a lovely card to thank me. David Barrett gave an excellent address at the funeral and caught Pat very well.
The picture shows Pat on the extreme left playing for Wimbledon against Leytonstone in the 1947 F.A. Amateur Cup final at Highbury. Note the size of the crowd!


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