
Thursday lunchtime to the revived meeting of the Battersea community forum. It is so sad to learnt that so many agencies in the area have closed. Battersea Mission with its proud record is closed and the CAB are no longer in North Battersea despite the enormous demand. Yvonne Carr centre is awaiting reopening. The Garfield centre has closed. All that are left are the libraries, Katharine Low settlement. the Wilditch which has changed and South Thames college which now teaches building crafts and ESOL which is so badly needed is no longer provided. I made useful contacts with outreach workers based in schools. Sarah suggested that yet again the library might fill the gap! Liz went to Gill's to work on maths. I watched the rest of "The Apprentice" - there do seem to be some impossible people this time - some I could never work for like Debra who just does not listen!
Friday to practice and I felt more relaxed. We looked at some new items in Oxford book of flexible anthems notably a delightful Alleluia by Boyce. We also went through new Eucharistic acclamations by Paul Inwood and Stephen Dean.
I swam 40 lengths but noted twinges in my right leg again. Bought Liz some lovely pink tulips.


Edbowie said…
I like Inwood's music. The RC church is fortunate to have such a rich canon of contemporary music much of which can bear frequent repetition. Pity that some of it isn't sung at Westminster. I do not buy the argument that it would be inappropriate.
I abolutely agree. Some people are very sniffy about Inwood and should not be!

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