Reading group

Reality beginning to creep in checking the diary up until Easter and the implications of 9 to 8 twice a week and 9.30 to 6 on alternate Saturdays which will mean going to Mass somewhere else once a fortnight. Still it is an exciting prospect. There have been many congratulations and a feeling of sadness after so many happy years in one building. Choir practice went smoothly and we worked on Byrd's "Senex puerum" and Gibbons Nunc dimittis for Candlemas. Luckily I had changed Saturdays because of Paul Clubb's wedding as in fact the reading group turned up today (RA agreed to cover it next Saturday!) Nearly all did not like "The cleft" by Doris Lessing but I think Gillian and I convinced them there was more to the book than met the eye! A very wet day. Abi is coping very well indeed. To vespers and Mass Fr Kingsley and a new server Eugene. Home to watch Lawrence (of Arabia) Island parish and Chester Zoo. Had a M & S meal of roulades and profiteroles with Montepulciano wine. Dennis rang.


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