
Sunday stayed at church. We sang "Rejoice in the Lord alway" (anon) and I played Bairstow and Statham on Veni Emmamuel. We sang carols at Clifton and Crystal homes and it was much appreciated. I took the keyboard back to church and took Caroline home. Tried to print off Christmas letter without success but emailed it. Drove to Acton and on cookery course at Prue Leith's for the week. At first a muddleup over the booking and cheque but Liz started Intermediate and I on basic key skills. Monday making pastry and crudites with hummus and Tuesday delicious mango and chili salad with spinach. Demo on roast dinners - lovely meat. Wednesday made Italian bread and filleted sole with difficulty. Baby sat CiarĂ¡n.
Tuesday to mass at the cathedral - the boys sang Stanford's A song of wisdom, Rorate coeli and Faure Messe basse superbly. Fr Alexander sang Mass beautifully and homily on St John of the Cross. To talk on Newman and friendship by Fr Seward from Oxford oratory - interesting and amusing.


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