Godstone farm

Woke at 7 and packed up and Ciaran was very helpful. To Godstone farm where we met Louise in the car park. Wellies on but feet got really cold. There were hundreds there - met up with Lou's friends in the cafe and saw the piglets and animals. Ciaran enjoyed the sandpit and the pretend train. We left around 12.45 and Liz dropped me at Purley. There was a meeting about fire drills in the Hinsley room so I sat in the small room and read Dupuis. Tried to read Rowan Williams on Rahner and Balthaser but it was beyond me! Bought cover for Dennis's new missal. Interfaith group 7 there and Katharine came. Went through the book putting down suggestions for the cathedral. To Heythrop and bought scarf for Liz and claimed voucher for doing student survey. Had a quick meal and an interesting lecture and presentation from Xavier on interreligious prayer. Home to watch Brian Cox.
Thursday swam 22 and settled down upstairs to write essay on Dupuis. Several in the class have not started either!


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