Getting ready

Sunday played 2 of the Willan Fugal trilogy (seems good to take Wyton and Willan to New York and Canada!) and Thalben-Ball and Stanley Vann on Gopsal. 16 present. Bill announced he was going dancing rather than attend St Michael's on Monday when Ian is playing. I cannot do Nov 3 so suggested asking Ian. Nothing has been said about carols or crib service! Did Sept invoice and John rpelied saying he had not had Aug invoice so sent that again.  Just a minute on way home. Watched Bake off while I backed up this computer. To evensong and we sang Brewer in D and O quam gloriosum. So much better without Cathy! The vestry has been redecorated and cleared so robes are now in the chantry. Downton and Antiques roadshow. 


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