Golders Hill park

Tom home training. On train and bus. Sean would not sit still so ended up in buggy. Once we got to the park we was happy. Nice playground and sandpit. Ciaran unimpressed by size of zoo despite the lemurs, coatis, donkeys and birds! Ice cream and lunch expensive and Liz got carrot cake as Gcompensation! Stairs at Finchley which is near JW3. To Faiths together in Croydon meeting at CVA and spoke about my ideas which were accepted. Penny was onside! Two meetings in Nov one for women on domestic abuse and the other mixed on hate crime aimed at youth. Police and faith leaders need to be addressed on this too. Happy and decided not to go to Prom but listened on radio sound not great. Ravel with score. Met Tima and John on train - she is going to Lourdes where she will see Liz who went for training. Programme on compensation to British slave owners.


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