
Tuesday to mass at Anerley then drove to St John's school Caterham. CRB done and saw Stacey who produced a list of hymns they know. I went round trying to get the poster up - library, museum, shops £3, Morrisons board full. The community boards are for charity only it seems. Came home for lunch and went back on train to GROW meeting at the vicarage - all very straightforward. To Acton. wednesday Sean happy to play at home - hide and seek, snakes and ladders, jigsaws. 14 came to the excellent talk on Laudato Si' and Amoris Laetitia by Dr Susy Brouard theological advisor to CAFOD. We had a good discussion on being more welcoming at church. Why do people look right past you when greeting you? Would not the Asian hands together gesture be a better alternative to the handshake at the Peace? Some new comers as well. To 5.30 mass - rather a nice setting by Isaac sung by the men. Liz got home after me. Baby not coming home just yet. My CAFOD box emptied and taken to school £28. 
Thursday traffic dreadful so Liz went to West Wickham M and S and I got buses to 10 a.m. Mass at st Andrew's (we had some singing and a class form school there). Julie's daughter Matilda modelled for art so did 4 sketches. Home for lunch. Liz went up to hospital. Henry lost some weight so in special care. Hopefully home tomorrow. Watched Opera North Rhinegold conducted by Richard Farnes excellent. Also House of Lords.


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