Royal College of music strings playing Caroline Shaw, George Walker and Arensky. Young concert artists final very impressive. A delightful online bar mitzvah from LJS.yal College of music strings playing Caroline Shaw, George Walker and Arensky. Young concert artists final very impressive. A delightful online bar mitzvah from LJS.he morning service on Radio 4 today (driving to church) was lovely and all the traditional hymns too. Our second livestream went really well and the sound was so much better! Nimrod, Elegy of Thalben-Ball, Solemn melody Walford Davies, Pie Jesu Faure and God be in my head Walford Davies. I stayed for the private prayer and wreath laying. On the way home listened to the service from the Cenotaph. I was particularly struck by the interview with the widow who has started a charity for grieving children of soldiers, Scotty's little soldiers. The livestream came over very well. Songs of Praise from Brecon. David Grealy played Alain and Durufle superbly even cop...