A delightful day - the beauty of thy peace, O still small voice of calm

Sure enough there had been trouble from kids Thursday evening so a security guard will be coming from Monday night. I was grateful for the prompt response. To choir practice and we started on the Stainer Crucifixion for Good Friday. A restless night without Liz being here.
Set off at 9 to park car at the cathedral and tube to Chiswick. Nice to be back at the scene of the wedding (Louise and Tom were busy all day so we couldn't meet up). Fr Michael O'Boy led the session on the Lent group theme which is migrants. Lulu in my group was very anti-migrant and I became annoyed. The subject is a sensitive one so it may be hard to discuss. To Hinsley Room for Justice and Peace meeting (about 12 there). Fr Augustine Hoey spoke well on prayer and finding God in the silence. Met David, an Anglican from Richmond, who went to Knock with Fr Dwayne. Catherine and Ann were there too. Mary made some nice cake.
Vespers and Mass. Fr Michael Seed probably not loud enough as celebrant. Downing College choir from Cambridge sang Haydn, Schutz and Mawby really well. I was thurifer and coped OK despite the thurible refusing to close at the start of mass. Deacon Ed sorted it! Only Simon and Philip serving. Forgot the cross so put it out during the Creed!
Straight to Balham library hall in good time for the Burns Night farewell to Pat Dalglish, children's librarian. Good to see so many there including old colleagues. Sophie had photos of the baby who was 8 weeks premature. Pat spoke "Tam O'Shanter" and her family spoke too. There were songs and poems as well. They loved the 2 Burns songs - many of the staff had not heard me sing before. I sang "My love is like a red, red rose" and "Ca' the yowes". They say absence makes the heart grow fonder and I certainly miss my love!
But perhaps the best thing today was singing "Dear Lord and Father of mankind" after communion at Mass. The beauty of thy peace.


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