Mgr Mark Langham's farewell

Saturday to work and Elizabeth's last working day. To Vespers and Mass when we had extra servers including Emmanuel who I calmly told that we looked after this Mass. He and Noel wanted to do all sorts of extras like offertory procession but we vetoed it. Mgr Mark celebrated and gave an excellent homily about Roadrunner ( he said he felt like coyote who is suddenly no longer on firm ground)and planting seeds. The farewell party in the hall was a bring and share and there was loads to eat. Chatted to lots of folk including Judith a reader who I had not spoken to before. Gave Fr Mark 2 CDs (Addiscombe and Coulsdon) and he got lots of gifts and nice speeches. He will be back from Rome one day in a different capacity! A sad but happy day. Bruce is OK after his cyst op but insisting on cycling!


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