
To dentist for new crown. Judy retires next week and her successor came in - seems just as nice. Judy has been a great dentist for all of us and we will miss her. She sorted me out when I had the fall in the street and broke my front tooth. I'll take a card round - she lives at the end of our road. To Putney for short listing with Julian and Angela. Interviews in August. Alas very few candidates for part-time posts so I hope we do get someone to replace Elizabeth. Much discussion about Thursday's strike. I voted against striking and I think it won't achieve anything in view of inflation and cost cutting. Home to find Liz was at party of school staff instead of council of Guild of servers! Watched some of the Channel 4 coverage on Islam - every night this week. Chatted to Phillipe in the library about this and recommended the book on Canada to him. Chatted to Ann Wednesday morning on Skype.


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