
Showing posts from 2019

Two Popes

Mass at Anerley. Very fine letter from Archbishop John Wilson. . Much as I love Colossians Paul knew little about wives. Watched The Two Popes on Netflix and loved it! Antiques roadshow and The trial of Christine Keeler were good. Mass and we both went to see Cats which was pretty amazing. Makeup and production can't be faulted. Spent the afternoon editing the catalogue. Programme on lynxes.

Patronal festival

Patronal festival and Baptism. Played Sidney Campbell on Grafton as we sang Word supreme, Phillips on Holly and the ivy and Cook Paean on Divinum mysterium. Elaine sang second verse of O Holy night as I don't really think you can sing the first verse in the morning. It was lovely! Watched Who do you think you are Paul Hollywood and Derek Jacobi.

Holy Innocents

Holy Innocents Day. Set the table and then to St John's to sing View me Lord at funeral of Andrew Piercy-McAlpine who was an amazing person. I have informed the family that the tributes are not to be so long at my funeral! All the family except Bruce were with us for lunch - delicious starter, a magnificent turkey wth all the trmmings, Christmas pudding and pavlova. The boys had a great time and we enjoyed carol singing and presents. Ciaran was singing beautifully. Watched The last igloo from BBC4. One of my favourite programmes is The Repair Shop. I am so fortunate to have Dad's organ music with all his markings - a tangible link wth him! Enjoyed Gareth Malone's Who do you think you are.

St John's day

Enjoyed the Mass for St John's Day and we sang Rawsthorne and Eyre.Excellent sermon from the vicar of Balham. Berni Excell is doing fine. At the vicarage lunch chatted to Mother Roxanne and Nicholas Bucknall whose family owned Eyre's house in Fox Hill. Dennis and Henry came. Programme on the Royal Ballet Nutcracker. Radio 2 Young chorister of the year - the standard was high but William and Anna are worthy winners. I liked Charlie Truman. Beautiful singing and playing Glyndebourne's Magic Flute and a brilliant production.

Boxing Day part 2

Christmas Day radio 4 broadcast from Wintershall with the Bishop of Dorking was very evocative. Do go to Wintershall - it is worth the trip! Liz baked panettone - delicious! Enjoyed Christmas University challenge and Christmas bake off. To Dennis and had dinner there. Henry on form! Programme on Michael Bond creator of Paddington bear. Christmas carol part 3 was very well done. I could have done without the swear words. Gareth Malone does it again in Watford. 

Boxing Day

Lots of lovely goodies from Bruce Woodhouse including operas and scarf and arty socks. Splendid singing from Croydon Minster at Midnight Mass. Well done all especially Ronnie Krippner and Tom Little! So good to see young people singing so well at Bradford and Croydon. The tradition will continue! How appropriate to have Fr Angel and David Pipe playing the organ. Check out St Joseph's Bradford on BBC I player Christmas Day Mass for some great singing. The Mozart and Rutter are terrific and stunning descant. We'll done everyone! If Leeds diocese can run so many youth choirs why not others? Bravo St George's cathedral Southwark! Bethlehem down very good. Did not like descant for Hark the herald! Lovely to hear John Wilson. I have got 3 operas from Glyndebourne from Bruce to watch!! Also art work socks to wear at the art show! I have got new CD of Magnificat and Nunc dimittis from St John's Cambridge and 3 CDs of musicals from Liz to enjoy! Glad I moved the car from nex...

Christmas Day

Lovely long chat to Ann. Heard the first part of King's. The Walford Davies was superb. Served at Vespers at the cathedral - Buxtehude Magnificat and Victoria O magnum mysterium. Met Adrian. At Mass ex choristers sang Reger. Arrived early for choir practice for Midnight. The new keyboard has a much better organ sound. Shona came so she played for Darke In the bleak midwinter. Elaine and I sang the solos. We also sang Rocking. I had set up my hymnbooks as normal but when we got to the descant verse of Once in royal my book was on the descant for Hark the herald. Right hand trying to remember the right notes, left hand turning the hymn book page to get to the descant, pedals ?? Somehow survived - luckily everything was in F. The problem with A and M is it is a thick book and the book easily shuts especially with hymns near the front. Spiral binding would be the answer! At the end I played Pachelbel Von himmel hoch. I was interested to hear a Swedish choir sing an arrangement on radi...

Advent 4

Delayed bus meant I lost practice time. We sang Veiled in darkness by Glenn Rudolph and I played Statham on Veni Emmanuel and Lloyd Webber on Helmsley. The carol service at St John Upper Norwood went really well with Norman Harper on the organ. The Bob Chilcott Midwinter came together well. Lots of people came.

Cardinal Vincent

A lovely celebration Mass for Cardinal Vincent's Golden Jubilee. As multos annos was sung by the priests in the sacristy. Lunch in the cathedral cafe with Michael and Trevor. To Imperial War Museum to see Culture under attack - not sure the music part fitted the theme very well but it is interesting and well presented. It's free and finishes Jan 5. After tea Fr Andrew at Mass and lots of servers. They liked their chocs!


Excellent planning meeting for the exhibition. Dennis helped bring the pictures. The taxi driver was amused at our short ride but it was raining and we both had bags to carry! To Mass at the cathedral with Fr Michael. Long rehearsal for Sunday's carols.


Long wait at hearing aid clinic. Liz took Mike's picture to Pauline. To Safe Passage at Whitechapel to collect leaflets and posters. Last angels and cards up and new shade in study. Cooker gas switches are broken so we will need a new one.   An excellent carol service and it's very encouraging that some of the singers are joining us at Christmas! It all went so well. Julie on flute made all the difference and the Berlioz Shepherds' farewell was lovely with soft singing. Mulled wine and mice pies afterwards and a chance to chat. Nice that Liz came to sing.

Fr Tom

To St Edmund Beckenham for the funeral of Fr Tom Creagh-Fuller. It was a fitting tribute with some humour too. Good to see old friends. Tea at Kent House until Alina had finished! Apprentice won by Carina. Dennis took me to Mayday for MRI scan of lower back - very noisy. 


Picked up sample tube from GP surgery. Henry played happily with train, put up cards, drawing round stencil and stories. Liz went shopping and to quiet time. Saw mouse in lounge so set 4 traps. Watched Mary Berry with Duke and Duchess of Cambridge including  the Passage.  Only connect was good. To St Edmund's Beckenham for the choir rehearsal for Fr Tom's funeral. Good selection of music. Good to see Andrew and Miriam again. Richard Warren conducted. 


St Dunstan Woking Advent reflection for musicians with Bishop Richard Moth. I madethe mistake of coming out of the wrong exit at Woking station and it was quite a long walk to the church. Paul Inwood and Catharine Christmas did a great job and some nice music apart from the Oosterhuis which was too low. I did an Isaiah reading. Lovely church and Liz Brereton gave me a lift to the station. I was at the cathedral in good time but in a lot of discomfort. Thibault did well as thurifer and Gregoire lit the pink candle. We left before the end and got a taxi to Thomas's A and E. 3 and a half hours wait and got antibiotics. Home by 11 despite rain and a wait at Balham. Stayed in bed on Sunday and got Shona to cover. Listened to Radio 3 Christmas around Europe in its 25th year and Rugby school evensong. Monday to mosaic and pleasant party at Kew. Organ was tuned despite the school turning up - complete muddleup. To Bromley Christmas meeting and Liz went to UCM meal. It was fairly dull with...

LMP Christmas

Mass, art at St Stephen Norbury (nice that Julie came) and voted. It is a right pain that we have to go over the hill to do so. Excellent Christmas meal at Langley Park golf club Beckenham circle most enjoyable. What a depressing prospect. Brexit and Boris. Climate change not addressed. We need proportional representation. One Green MP is not enough and so few Lib Dems. Scotland demanding to break away. The editors of newspapers who advocated Brexit have done this to our country. Who will do the jobs when so many leave? The Tories care only about money. At least Corbyn stuck to his principles even if some of them were wrong. Mass, a delightful lunch at Rosemary's and the house is transformed. Sang with Welcome choir at Lmp concert at St John's. It was fun!  A varied programme with good soloists. 

The Crown

Mosaic. 6 episodes of The Crown series 3 love it! Enjoyed the nativity at school and Sean was enjoying himself - he was one of the Year 2 narrators. Henry came for 2 hours and loved 2 trains in the lounge - Christmas one and the diesel. Loved ROH Coppelia at West Norwood picturehouse beautiful dancing and music, humour and charming.To local hearing aid clinic only to find the lady unable to get into the hall but I got batteries and tubes. Delivered local Christmas cards. Spent a lot of time sending material to Louise for the auction catalogue. Watched final 5 for Apprentice. I reckon Scarlet or Carina! A fascinating talk by Lady Antonia Fraser at London Jesuit Centre on Catholic emancipation.


Tradition dictates that I will spend ages unravelling the lights despite putting them away so carefully! Listening to Christmas in Coulsdon recorded in 2005! It comes up fresh every year. Also Adoration from Romsey Abbey conducted by George Richford. Superb! It is also traditional to put the lights on the tree accompanied by Glenn Miller In the Christmas mood as of course they get tangled again! It is also obligatory to announce "Next year we go minimal. No more 100s of lights just one branch!" Fr John at Mass and Carl lit the second candle on the wreath. Thibault did not show. We sang Creator of the stars of night arranged by John Scott and I played Rowley on Conditor alme and Walther Watchet auf. Odd that all the hymns this morning were in D major. In fact I played Crucifer in C. The posada has arrived from St John's. The idea is that Mary and Joseph stay overnight with us and then go to Nina and on round the parish. This is a first for us! More decorating! A...


To Bowley close and my new inner sole is good! Dennis came. Tried to go to Mass but the road was blocked by a fire engine! To art and more or less finished "Desperate to land". The hall was cold and I became shivery so moved near a heater then I was too hot. I wanted to move the picture flat in its case but somebody else picked it up. I was just about to go back and geet it. Next time I move the painting first if it's wet!! Skipped Mind body and spirit and came home and slept well. Produced new invitation for other faiths (and none) for the exhibition. To Dulwich curry night. The food was great but such a long wait! Slept right through I was exhausted! Friday to see Des at Balham. Did not go to cathedral to do welcoming - came home and rested. Started clearing front room for tree. Good practice for carols.

Quiet day and carols

Swim, more work on the art auction. To quiet day at the cathedral with Margaret Lane. I loved the song Maranatha she played us and the poetry from Guite and beautiful prayers by George Appleton and Cardinal Hume. Lovely book by Jane Williams Art of Advent. Mass at 1 in the cathedral hall with Fr Michael. The Hinsley room was so cold most of us went home. I headed to Caterham early and sat in Costa. Also did some Christmas shopping in Waitrose. The carol service went really well with a choir of 6 and Julie Groves superb on flute in Rutter Sans day carol. Shona conducted. We sang Lo how a rose and Rocking during the candle lighting. Next time we need some more carols but I played Brahms Es ist ein ros - such a lovely piece. Cakes and mince pies in the hall. About a 100 there.


Swam 20, Mass, Henry came and enjoyed mixing cakes (he broke the second egg into the bowl - shell everywhere!) quiet time (I was sleepy) Left 5.30 traffic horrendous thanks to football match so got to Caterham 7.15. Carols practice went well. Home 9.25. University challenge.


Frost on the car so running late. Only 16 lengths of the pool. Mosaic, Gigout and associates at St Michael Cornhill played by Anthony Gritten, collected my 4 framed pictures - they look terrific! Today's candle Bible passage Genesis 18 the oak of Mamre. Norwood circle 5 of us 8 visitors. Only 3 more meetings and I will miss January. I finally got to speak to Safe Passage and email from Lord Dubs' secretary. 

Advent 1

First bus was earlier than expected so got a bus to Caterham. At Whyteleafe we were informed the controller was stopping the bus. This was well away from the station so I am now awaiting the train. Why did the bus not at least stop near the station? Played JSB Watchet auf and Martin How's Prelude Advent composed last month! We sang Come now O Prince of peace by Korean A and M 29. I was furious with Oscar who missed the practice and announced he was not coming Tues and Wed because of college choir concert - he must have known there was a clash. I did not play the Bach well. Afer the service he told him never to do that again. At communion I toppled to one side on the steps, I was OK. I am in effect wearing high heels! Oscar promised 4 singers for the carol service - we shall see! Excellent talk about angels by Peter Stanford at St Paul's. He was very interested in the exhibition and will pass the information to The Tablet. A good Advent service at St John's.


Builder came to give estimates. Liz to servers council AGM. I wrote minutes of art auction meeting and then changed them this evening after my visit to the auctioneer at Chiswick auctions. First Advent wreath candle lit and Fr Daniel celebrated. Trained 2 on thurible.

Red Wednesday

Swim. Played for funeral of John Soper at Caterham. Liz back from Acton and 2 funerals. Red Wednesday cathedral and foreign office red. Aid to the Church in need walk from Mandela statue, cathedral and Hall. Cardinal Vaughan choir sang well and some good soloists. Much impressed by Edwin Shuker VP board of deputies of British Jews. Networking and met the chair, John Pontifex and Caroline. Fell asleep in Apprentice but Thomas has gone at last!  To art. I spoke at SLIFG lunch and Catholic creators UK about the exhibition and there was lots of interest. Committee met. Wellcome interesting exhibition on play. James Gillick gave a very inspiring talk and Sarah Desbruslais played the flute beautifully. Lovely to meet Benjamin Morrell again! Friday sleepless night but all came well. An excellent planning meeting for the art exhibition and we now have an auctioneer. I came home quite exhausted. Choir practice went well. All my visiting this week paid off. 

Divine Beauty

Woke too early so went for a swim. Mosaic steady progress.Furious with Tom Allen on The Apprentice you're fired ( a programme I usually enjoy). Why the tired old joke about Lottie the librarian shushing people? Does he not know that the librarian has to be a person who can deal with people? It is NOT all about books. In 38 years as a public librarian I never told anyone to be quiet! It was all about working well with the public. email to BBC Points of view. Worked on Tablet article and Catena publicity. To Beckenham circle. Liz to Acton for funerals of Gillian and Michael's brother. Heating boiler serviced and drips from pipes above roof sorted! Henry came for 2 hours. Quiet time. I enjoyed the talk at Newman House and Sister Carolyn Morrison told the students about the January events. The subject was Reflections of Divine Beauty in Illuminated Medieval Manuscripts and Jasmine Jones spoke well. I was very intrigued by the carpet pages in the Lindisfarne Gospels which it seems ...

Christ the King

Christ the King and the 3 men sang Tony Hemson's Alpha and Omega really well. We missed Linda Baker. I played a lovely Prelude on Diademata by Barry Ferguson and Crown Imperial which was much appreciated. Julie came and the flute in the Rutter and Berlioz is magic! I played Howells Psalm prelude Set 1 no 3 as a tribute to Stephen when I was practising. So sad to learn that Colin Mawby had died. Enjoyed Michael Portillo great Australian rail journeys and David Attenborough on Europe's natural highlights. The programme on Fair Isle was excellent. Signed Christmas cards.


Ann led a lovely meditation on the Visitation at Hurtado centre and I went to St Patrick's art studios Wapping. Mike Quirke has donated a fine painting for the art auction. I love his work! The trains were replaced by buses so Citymapper suggested 468 to Denmark Hill and overground from there. Big match so missed Fr Stewart's farewell lunch. Drove to Kent House and missed train and next one cancelled so went to West Norwood. 5 admitted to Guild at Mass by Fr Daniel which was really nice. 

British Museum

A really good meeting at Farm Street about the exhibition. Tredici sang very well at St Giles in the Fields. Nelson Ferreira took me to British Museum Troy (poorly curated) and the Orient which was lovely. Some beautiful paintings by unknowns and a superb Roman fresco. Latte and delicious sfogliatelle in Russell Square. Feeling very happy I really enjoy our chats. Really enjoyed choir with Richard and extra singers joined us for the carol services.


To art and redid sections of my latest work. There was no way some of the people could have been standing in an inflatable dinghy. Mind body spirit started late but was good. Christmas letter and notes for tomorrow's meeting at Farm Street written. Programme on Sainsbury's was a delight with the visit of the Queen. Secret life of the zoo was great.

St Cecilia

A busy day! Festival of St Cecilia at the Abbey. Glorious new Chilcott anthem and Blessed city. Great hymns How shall I sing, O praise ye the Lord, Christ is made the sure foundation. Bruckner Christus factus est. Sitting in the nave we got a lot of organ but the violin solo was great - Jennifer Pike. Sermon from Bishop of London was a tad disappointing and who is Daniel Barenboom? It's Barenboom. Lunch at Methodist Central Hall with Barbara from mosaic and her Polish friends.Welsh Chapel Asher Oliver played Bruhns and Franck it was interesting to hear them again but on a very different organ. Splendid Bach. Queens gallery George IV excellent. 7 came to the group to hear Raya. Holy Trinity Sloane Square Samuel Ali Brahms and Bach very good. Tea at Peter Jones prior to the revolte tonight. UK premiere of Guillou's La Revolte des orgues at the drome. I liked the percussion and watching the conductor but more noise does not mean music. International players playing tiddly bits? U...


Woke in the night - my underpants were marked last night with discharge of some kind from the groin. Got to see Dr Ojo and he prescribed cream and antibiotics and I can put the cream on the top of my right ear too. Also got flu jab. I am to go for MRI scan of my spine for going to Dr Simon Shaw. Got presciptions then found out Henry was going to nursery to be photographed so Dennis dropped him off for 90 minutes, He played with the plastic train set and watched DVD. To quiet time and French lady with baby removed same during the silence, also the ordinand. Got boxer shorts from Sainsbury's. Watched debate Corbyn vs Johnson. Very good response from our Lib Dem candidate about Safe Passage. Interesting to see what Steve Reed says. Pleased Mike Quirke is donating a picture for the auction. Advent music done and Jerry followed my suggestions.  The carols poster had the wrong day for Christmas Eve! I did not go to meeting at St Paul's. Good programme on Kes and a new dance version....


Mosaic and Linda helped with the little houses. The flower ladies were very noisy! Asher Oliver played really well at Cornhill. Bruhns, Franck, Ives replaced Leighton, Alain, best of all Howells Ps Prelude set 1 no 3 and JSB 546. To Bush House The Arcade. Sara Shamma: modern slavery. The film is challenging. She says you need to engage with people to paint them. Somerset House rink up and running. The South African artist Shinabore somehow did not engage me. Met Michael on bus. The art of persuasion posters by Abram Games at National Army museum very interesting. I wonder why his work is not in a public collection? To cathedral for meditation remembering Eileen McDade. Frank Bond who always wore bow ties remembered at joint Bromley and Blackheath and Chislehurst Catenian meeting


We sang "Never weatherbeaten sail" by Thomas Campion. "Old age deafs not their our ears." Played Nimrod, Adagio from Elgar cello concerto and Peter Hurford on Song 34. The copy was bought by Dad in 1959 and he gave it to me March 1972.At evensong we sang Murrill in E and God be in my head by Philip Wilby. The chant by Sanders for the psalm lay very high and was quite exhausting to sing! Adrian conducted and Richard played. Lovely evensong from  Exeter today. Winter coat on as it was chilly. We had steak for lunch. Programme on the Met.


To St George Beckenham for Charlie Warren. He stepped in at 3 days notice. He is RC and was scholar at Merton so knows Ben and Michael Nicholas. He sang at the oratory. John Webber and Adrian were there. His Franck 2 was not terrifying as Gillian Weir required! Left car at Kent house and took 4 pictures to be framed. £170. Francis Crick institute is most impressive and has an interesting free display. The Buddhism exhibition at British library is excellent. Tea and then Mass with Fr John. Quite a few not there including the 2 who were to be acolytes! Liz did not get on my train so waited at Kent House for her. Finished Anthony Doerr's All the light we cannot see which is riveting. Callum played Leighton. Victoria choir under strength. Interview with Prince Andrew. 

Liz's birthday

Up at 7 having woken several times as the bathroom light was on. Henry slept right through. He wanted Daddy and Paw patrol again! Got him dressed and we took him to nursery. Breakfast when we got back via Gloucester Rd. To Mass at Anerley. To Vaughan House but first Marks for lemon drizzle cake, Smiths for 90th birthday card for Ivor and they did not have candles so to Paperchase to get birthday cake candles. Meeting at 11 - Catharine from ACN did not come and Louise had to go to work. Alison Smith was a real asset and it was a good session. To Il Posto for Liz's birthday lunch with Roger - it was most enjoyable. Had raviolini. Liz went to Acton for school bingo and I came home. Did some work on the auction emails, cleared up the back bedroom. Listened to MacMillan while reading. Heard some of Stephen Cleobury's final concert from King's RVW Serenade to music, Howells Coll reg Magnificat and Elgar Give unto the Lord with orchestra. Howells cello concerto. 


Woke late after a long dream about a lost library book which was issued to me but I had never seen! Liz had her hair cut at home. Finished art auction letters and poster looks great thanks to David. Excellent supervision for SDs meeting in Vauxhall. To Royal Academy to see Lucian Freud self-portraits. Met Martin Foster. To The Black Penny for tea. Part of Simon Gledhill's light music organ programme at Freemasons hall. Who knew Haydn Wood was a Yorkshireman? The Suppe and Elgar worked well and it was fun to have some cinema music from Bobby Pagan, Felton Rapley and Harold Ramsay and a piece from Wally Stott. A good large audience too! Tubes and train to Beckenham Junction and bus. Dulwich circle went well. John Almeida took me to Penge and Liz picked me up. Watched The Apprentice. Thursday Mass at Thornton Heath. Seems Fr Len is leaving. Art and Mind, body, spirit. Watched Botticelli programme, George Eliot and reliquaries. Is there a Hindu caste system in UK? Answer seems to be ...


Mass at Anerley was for Fr Tom. Saw John Bradley afterwards - Fr Sean knew Gerard since they were 11 at John Fisher school! Henry came and painted, track and reading. His cast is off and he has grown 6 cm in 2 months! To quiet time. Liz to servers council. Watched Bendor on Gainsborough and Breughel. 


Steve played the trumpet really well at Remembrance service. We sang Pie Jesu and I played Solemn melody. Brilliant sermon from Anne-Marie Garton could not agree more that we must combat forces which are attacking the basic values of our society. Sad to learn of the passing of Fr Tom Creagh-Fuller, Des Caroll and Gillian McLaughlan. A lovely evensong using Anglican chants and Peter Nardone's A new commandment. To Christ's chapel Dulwich and a good audience for Alana Brook from Adelaide who is now organ scholar at Lincoln. A piece by Australian Graeme Koehne To his servant Bach God grants a finalgift: the morning star. It was all very competent. Monday Mosaic steady slow progress! Eric Chan who won the Harold Darke RCM prize played beautifully at St Michael Cornhill Darke, Bach Schmucke dich, Franck no. 1 and the unknown Bunk Passacaglia. Highly praised by many of the audience. He recalled that I had been to RCM to hear him play! To see Clare and a very helpful chat abou...

Croydon organs

What a pleasure to visit Croydon minster. A new Advent piece by Martin How! I played Howells Sine nomine. Lunch at Coffee Time. Andrew Scott gave us a great welcome and St Michael's organ is a joy. Played Elgar cello concerto Adagio. He played Oldroyd and it's great to hear of Harrisons work internationally and in so many cathedrals. York Minster is going to sound fabulous! Amdy said Cameron Carpenter is an arsehole. He would only talk to him through his agent! Fairfield Hall organ is playable but still needs an overhaul. Watched the Royal British legion festival of remembrance. Some great moments especially the descants BUT why Morning has broken ( and sung by a soloist) Bridge over troubled water and the words of the song I am not your son could be seen as objectionable. Are we afraid to mention God? Good to see Jewish and Sikh army chaplains taking part. So a bit of a curate's egg. An abiding memory of the fall of the Berlin wall was the joy of Horst Neumann our East Ge...


Lovely Requiem Mass for deceased priests. The choir sang Brahms and Byrd. Nice chat to David. Delicious lamb at Acton and watched Prince Charles. Ciarán's year 5 assembly about remembrance was very moving. Well done all! Pity it was so difficult to hear some of the children. Nelson varnished all the oil paintings and icons and they look stunning. Lovely lunch and we both enjoyed Rembrandt at Dulwich gallery and tea! Liz went to see Gillian in Acton. To choir practice and Liz was unimpressed not to be doing the solo in Darke in F. 3 tenors. 

Matthew Bourne

The spirituality day on Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit - confused? went well. Mass at 1.05 with Fr Daniel. Liz served at the 3 p.m. police requiem mass. Watched Apprentice and programme  on Bodleian Botoni painting. woke at 9! Got out all my paintings for touches before varnishing tomorrow. To West Norwood picturehouse to see Matthew Bourne's Romeo and Juliet. He has interpreted the violence and tenderness of the Prokofiev brilliantly. The passion and grief were deeply moving. Home to look at water leaking I think from bathroom drainpipe into kitchen extension. 


Played for Philip Chandler's funeral at the lovely church of All Saints Oxted and a very nice reception at Shirley Park golf club. Good to see old friends again. To West Norwood picturehouse to see live from ROH 3 super ballets Concerto, Enigma variations and Raymonda Act III. Wonderful dancing and so moving. My twitter comment appeared on the screen!


Mosaic, Benjamin Newlove played a great piece by Leighton as well as Bach and Vierne at St Michael Cornhill. Liz served at the funeral of Archbishop Michael Bowen. Preparations for the spirituality day on Wednesday and article written about the art auction. Dennis took me to Catenians and we unanimously agreed to close the circle in March. 

3 services

Drove to Caterham. Saw several vintage cars this morning presumably trying to get to Brighton. All Saints Howells Sine nomine and Francis Jackson. We sang I sing a song of the saints of God. Carols practice and practice with trumpeter. Lunch at the Kerala lamb biryani, Ferrero Rocher icecream, mango juice. £17.  All Souls 4 p.m. Vierne Epitaphe and Berceuse. Purcell When I am laid in earth. Now playing for Mass at Sacred Heart. The electronic is temperamental about starting very odd. All went well and Fr Sean and everyone very friendly. Watched programme on Morris dancing. Simon Reeve in Mexico and Texas. 

All Souls

Latin Requiem Mass for All Souls at cathedral. Liz sang Faure at St John's. Lunch at cathedral cafe. To Estorick to see reconstructed Boccioni sculptures. Football crowds. Royal Academy very crowded Antony Gormley. Missed out 2 rooms but I doubt if I will go back. Did some work on the spirituality day at Pret. Fr Daniel celebrated Mass for All Souls and the end of the marriage preparation course. At the party afterwards we met the Beaumonts who lived next to Josie McCulloch! They moved to Leamington Spa and had 6 kids. Their daughter is gettng married in Warwick.

Photo night

To art and sunset picture. South London interfaith group lunch and a talk from Shanti on Hindu view of creation led to discussion on Extinction rebellion.Ade Adepitan's series on Africa is fascinating. A most enjoyable evening judging Wimbledon circle photo night and the judges were in agreement! Excellent meal. We went to Mass at Sacred Heart Wimbledon for All Saints. 

Extinction rebellion

Mosaic. Jonathan Lilley played the Academic festival overture and a fine partita on Tallis tunes written for Waltham Abbey by David Bednall at Southwark cathedral. SPIDIR committee. Tate Britain. I did not understand Mark Leckey and fewer people at the Blake which really only comes alive for me in the last rooms Job, Dante, Pilgrim's progress. We have serious damp in downstairs loo. Excellent presentation at Milleret House on extinction rebellion. Very thought provoking. Suggestions for what we can do. The calendars have come and are really nice. Tuesday Mass. Henry came after a delay and enjoyed himself. Quiet time. Cleared up upstairs. Watched canal journeys and Only connect. David won Great British bake off Steph was unlucky. Watched the British tribe next door in Namibia. 


As we were celebrating Bible Sunday and the serving community we sang David Ogden's setting of "Christ has no body now but yours" and I played Suite Gothique. The toccata went well. To Cricketers Harvester at Addington Village for Dulwich catenians lunch entertaining Mike Reidy the PP. Had pork belly. Dennis and  family came back to us afterwards. Mass at Anerley. Watched programmes on Antarctica and Oxford in the Civil War. 


A celebration for Eileen McDade at Dockhead and Salt Quay Rotherhithe. A lovely farewell and prosecco! Great to see so many friends. Fr Alan did a great job. Watched British bakeoff - pity Henry the organist has gone! Did not sleep well so stayed home and rested. Liz met the cardinal with the Guild council yesterday and served at Aid to the Church in need Mass. Went to UCM Mass at St George's.Missed Jane Watts's recital for her 60th. Did music list and read the Tablet. Also agenda for art auction meeting and started on Gifts and fruits of the Spirit. 

Don Pasquale

Dennis took me to Bowley close rehab centre and Iam to have better inner soles. Post Office and posted calendar and letters to heads. Booked appointment with Dr Ojo to get referral to Dr Shaw, Served at Mass for Mgr Vlad's 80th birthday and golden jubilee. Bob Chilcott's anthem lovely and Little organ mass. Liz went to see Gillian. Clapham picturehouse for ROH Don Pasquale what a delight! Bryn Terfel and all the cast and a sparkling production.

Benjy Bloor

The boys enjoyed the slime workshop at the Horniman which was crawling with kids! An excellent homily from Fr Sunith at Mass today on the gospel for the day. The devil has many ways of breaching the walls of our household including internet porn, gossip, being judgemental, etc. Benjy Bloor played very well at the drome and since his Japan trip attracted a very large audience so large that the concert started late! I did feel that the reeds were used a lot and that becomes tiring to listen to. The technique in the Bach was immaculate. Watched the Apprentice. Letters to schools and 2 auction houses. 


Mass and Henry came. He is walking much better now. The boys played a bit and enjoyed the new crafts box. Bake off wasgood. Watched Harry and Meghan in Africa. 

Ben Bloor

A fun morning painting with boys! No mosaic, Saw Ros and she seemed more relaxed. Beautiful evensong at St Michael Cornhill. Howells responses and St Paul's service and Faire is the heaven. Parry chant for the psalm. Well done Jonathan Rennert and all involved. Only one caveat the pulpit Mike is not connecting to the loop! Benjy Bloor played superbly at the Oratory but I did get lost between Alain and Hindemith! I also told a young lady she had no right to record the whole thing on her phone without permission! 


We sang "There's a wideness in God's mercy" Maurice Bevan's tune fits the words perfectly. I played Thiman Postlude on Harwood's Thornbury and my own tribute to Newman part of the Prelude and Angel's farewell from Gerontius. I have lost two friends recently Eileen McDade and Philip Chandler RIP. Each has their own angel to bring them safely home. Folake did not come - we had gifts for her as she had said she was leaving! Reader starts reading then tries again with another bit of letter to Timothy. Jerry points to correct reading so she says "third time lucky!" love it! A really lovely evensong at St John's. Liz was the only soprano and sang Dyson beautifully.  Richard is excellent and encourages relaxed singing. We also sang Pitoni Cantate domino and O thou who camest from above. Psalm 148 to Anglican chant, It was all so enjoyable! Louise and the boys have arrived.


Liz served at the ecumenical vespers for the canonisation of Newman and the Archbishop of Canterbury preached. Bishop Beverley Mason was there! I met Leon Carberry. The tunes for the hymns were all the Catholic ones!


A most enjoyable visit to Eton College Chapel where I played Flor Peeters and Big school Flentrop. Met Dale Eaton on train. Appeal at mass for mission Sunday was far too long. There was a match but they were gone by the time we got back. 

St John Henry Newman

A fascinating day with Dennis Woodhouse at St Margaret Westminster on Newman. Ben King, Roderick Strange and Eamon Duffy, Angela Tilby and other excellent speakers. His hymns and poetry seem to me to have had the greatest influence. The Apologia and sermons are clearly very influential as well as the prayers. Gerontius has changed our view of the afterlife. Evensong was sung by the choirs of the Abbey and cathedral and they sang Bruckner Os justi and we visited the shrine of St Edward and prayed for our country. Saw Fr David Stansley. To the annual feminist theology lecture with Anna Macham. Asked about hymns not mentioning women apart from mothering Sunday and Mary. If we are an inclusive church why is everything so male despite the large numbers of women in ministry? I am not in favour of changing texts to inclusive language especially poetry but where are the new texts? Met a Methodist minister from Croydon who worked in S. A a Catholic working for women's ordination and the or...

Gerard Brooks

A wonderful day! Swam, Nelson Ferreira and I put Julian Barron on the auction and he gave us lots of great advice. He thought my paintings would sell well! Coffee than Gauguin portraits at the National Gallery which we enjoyed. Tea then Pre-Raphaelite sisters at NPG which we hated but we liked Elizabeth Peyton. A delightful recital by Gerard Brooks at St John's. Great to have English music plus Bossi and Gothic Suite. The Apprentice.

Tom Holland

Swim, Mass and photo with Fr Stuart at coffee. To Bethlem museum for interesting cake and conversation. Revd John Parry director of the London interfaith centre gave a fascinating talk on a Sikh poem about Jesus. We must learn more about Sikh beliefs. Tom Holland on his book Dominion with Michael Holman and Ruth Gledhill at Mount Street excellent evening!

Mercy in music

Swim, Mass Fr Stuart Meyer leaves tomorrow - I will miss his inspiring homilies! Henry back from Ireland came to play then we went to the Ashcroft theatre to see Dear Zoo. It was excellent. Surprised to see the seats have not been refurbished at all! Too late for quiet time. Liz went to St Mary Bourne St for the funeral of Mark Bushby he had not reached 40. Sang Parsons Ave Maria. To dinner at St Martin in the fields. Excellent dialogue on mercy and music between Lucy Winkett and Bob Chilcott. She answered my question on division caused in church by music brilliantly - there should be a place for all styles. St Martin's singers including Jonathan Dods sang Tallis, Chilcott, Moore and Bach beautifully. Wine downstairs so a chance to thank Lucy personally. Watched Bake off. Vitriol on Facebook from so-called Catholics.


A most interesting day at Trinity House on safeguarding for spiritual directors. Regrettably the Signposts course is cancelled. I did attend Mass in Polish followed by rosary and benediction at the Polish church in South Norwood. The unaccompanied singing was impressive. Adrian sang the psalm beautifully and the priest was very friendly. Liz went to Mass. Watched University challenge and The Apprentice.

Flor Peeters

Just caught the train back as we had a Baptism. Had no warning of it! I accompanied the anthem Let all mortal flesh arr Sir Stephen Cleobury on the organ as we had 3 strong singers. Flor Peeters fest Prelude on Innsbruck, lovely tune, Canzona and Ciacona dedicated to my friend Ralph Downes. They went well as I had played them in Jersey. No mention of St John Henry Newman canonised today in Rome but I played the tunes Gerontius and Shipston! Also practised Prelude and angel's farewell from Dream of Gerontius for next Sunday. Love that so much. Drove to Acton - still wet. Lovely birthday lunch roast belly of pork. Prosecco and Liz had ordered a delicious cake. Drove back with Bruce at a slow pace. Claire came to talk about Doterra and I fell asleep. Took her home. Watched Sanditon. Bruce up early tomorrow. 

Louise is 40

Saturday lie-in and stayed in bed loading photos and accounts about Jersey and some prelimianry work on the day on the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. Big shock that Philip Chandler died probably a heart attack in bed. Fr Daniel celebrated and the Victoria choir sang Faure but they were depleted. To The Windmill Acton for Lou's 40th - great party and lovely to see everyone! Home at 11. It rained all day so my socks were wet through. I need new black trainers. 

Mark Jordan

Lie-in and set off to find gorillas on the bay and Coronation Park which has lovely playgrounds. Lunch at Mark Jordan Michelin on the beach - superb views and food. I had salmon, duck and banana souffle tea and petits four. Drove to St Aubin to see gorilla and saw the road train. Saw two more gorillas on way back. Wrote more of life story - reached our wedding. Picked up Bruce and returned car. Wait for plane. Assistance at Gatwick and Bruce got case OK. Driver waiting near hotel - he was a typical Crystal Palace supporter probably reads the Mail and talked all the way home. We were in the house by 10.45. Unpacked case. Saturday morning lie-in. Bruce off to Carnaby Street. Damage on car is covered bycomprehensive. They say it needs a new tyre. It is true the roads are narrow and definitely hit the curb twice so not surprised. Next time Bruce says he will drive us around!

Jersey organs

Weather good. Started at St Paul's a Walker 1918 and quite a god sound despite the carpets. Action hard. Found a couple of gorillas especially in the fine library. St Luke's is High church and big. A reasonable 3 manual Makin. Nice walk in Howard Davis park and lunch at the rose garden cafe. Found 2 gorillas. Drove to Trinity and St John's church where Revd Beverley Sproat opened the organ for us recently fixed. Ingham 1890 and again a good sound. Played Peeters, Moore, Statham and Whitlock Plymouth suite. Back for tea and chat to Janet just back from New York. To dinner at Wildfire which we enjoyed last year. Chorizo starter, delicious steak, profiteroles. Noisy drunk 40th party next to us! 

De La Salle college

An excellent tour for an hour of De La Salle college and we met the chaplain, talked about interfaith to RE teacher, librarian, sports, very impressed. To Jersey Zoo. Loved the new butterfly house and saw orangs, gorillas, blue crane, tamarins, otter. Cake and coffee at Cafe Dodo and shop. Dropped off Bruce and found another gorilla at St Clement's Bay. To Bass and Lobster - had catch of day and delicious starter and dessert. Heavy rain.


A late breakfast. Trevor not well Janet comes back from New York tomorrow. Weather improved in afternoon. Read book a.m. Delicious lunch at Longueville manor which has a great ambience. £20 each for 3 courses. Bruce went into town to see accountant so we went in search of gorilla statues large and small and found 11. Saw more of St Helier and the town church. Tea at the coffee shop opposite the Sand Street car park. Old books to read! Emma joined us for dinner at Manos portuguese again £20 for 3 large courses. Sardines, pork, tiramisu. 


Up at 6.30. Uber driver came too early and did not wait.The third car got us to East Croydon and we were at Gatwick8.35. Assistance to the plane Easyjet. Raining on arrival and came down back steps. They could have told us there was a ramp at the front! Collected Hertz Fiesta and drove to Les Corbieres - saw gorilla statue there. Back to Blue Diamond garden centre for sandwich and tea. Arrived 3.45 and Trevor home. Rest and reading "Sweet sorrow".Bruce picked us up and looks well and is very busy. Lovely Italian meal at Casa Mia. 


Harvest so we sang Greene Thou visitest the earth. I played Peeters on Wir plufgen, Statham on Monkland and Recessional on St George by Vernon Griffiths. We sang For the fruits but to Ar hyd y nos. Liz came for the harvest lunch and Julie entertained us with poems and 3 flute pieces. Richard Sutton conducted evensong and John Pritchard played. Sumsion in G, Attwood Teach me O Lord, Benediction. Nice to see Nicholas Ansdell-Evans and his mother.


Lovely to spend time with Peter Simpson and a short visit to York art gallery. ellent tour of York Minster, saw King's Book and shop. Lovely unaccompanied evensong. Soft singing in the psalms magic, basses a bit strident at times. Bednall anthem, Tallis canticles. Good meal at Gusto. Really enjoyed the SSG assembly in York. Great talks and discussion, lovely food, beautiful Mass! John ainslie and I sang Christus vincit. English Martyrs is a fine 1930s church with a lovely hall. Journey fast and non-stop and buses took me from centre to Bar Convent and station. River high. 

Michael Curry on Love and the Jesus movement

I was back in the pool yesterday and today went to art and started a new picture. Mind, body, spirit was good with Bollywood dancing (imagine me doing that) and simple yoga exercises! A packed St Paul's gave Archbishop Michael Curry a standing ovation. Such conviction, humility and inspiration! I think we was surprised by just applause. At one point he said "Isn't anybody gonna give me an" Saw Berni and lady from Catford who came to interfaith group. 


Back to the pool and swam 20. Helped clear up back garden emptying baskets many of the plants died in the heat. At the quiet day and praying for Eileen McDade on her last journey. Fr Andrew Gallagher quoted Gerontius in his homily for feast of the guardian angels. My work is done, Alleluia. Returned scores to Balham library. Plainsong Salve Regina Tavener Hymn to the Mother of God Sheppard ‘Gloria’ from Cantate Mass Eric Whitacre Sainte-Chapelle Wylkynson Salve Regina a9 Fayrfax Aeternae laudis lilium Gabriel Jackson Ave Maria Tavener Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God James MacMillan O virgo prudentissima (new commission) Sheppard ‘Agnus Dei’ from Cantate Mass Dennis took me to the 16 Enduring voice pilgrimage at Croydon Minster which I enjoyed. Saw Denise Mead, Judy, Joy, Geoff and Gill Hope.At the quiet day Sr Agatha spoke of God as lavish, overwhelming and everflowing. So often with music I have felt this and it certainly applied to the 16 concert!

Richard Rohr

The Richard Rohr meditation at quiet time was about hate and how we can never control others. Fear is the basis of all hatred. I agree but not a good basis for a meditation! Never knew Andrew Wilson grew up in Solihull! Sad that Jessye Norman died. She stood so near the tenors for Mahler 2 and Oedipus Rex at the RFH. She was fab and so nice! Over 100 birthday messages. Watched Ben Fogle and Bake off. Sent details for refresher course and new poster for interfaith group. I told the vicar of the Temple church after the Mass about the locked doors at recitals and he was clearly surprised and thanked me. They should be open at all times! 

My birthday

Got to Trinity House in time. Excellent first day of refresher course for spiritual directors with Chris Chapman. They loved Mum's fruit loaf! Now on crowded tube to go to Louise's for birthday dinner.Guildhall Art gallery has a lovely exhibition on London architecture until end of October.The end of a lovely day. Miserable crowded journey to Acton. Lasagne and wine and Louise working on art auction plan for Jan. Sean gave me a big hug. Ciaran is away at camp and Tom is in Dublin. Watching Paul Merton finding out his family history.Served at the Red Mass for the judges. Bishop Nicholas. Splendid National anthem with both verses. Byrd 4 part Mass. Henry came. Heavy to carry  -he has a proper cast on leg. 

St Michael

Dreadful deluge. St Michael and all angels so we sang David Thorne's attractive setting of "God that madest earth and heaven". I played Willan and Thalben-Ball on Darwall's 148th and Hymne d'action de grace Te Deum of Jean Langlais which was much appreciated. It was Dad's FTCL piece and I often turned for him and I am using his copy. We heard about water projects in Uganda and relief for the Nepal earthquake from Alicia from International Funds UK. I forgot diary, coffee flask and fruit this morning but at least I had The Tablet to read and Organisms. Langlais told a master class "The trouble with you English organists is that you want to play ALL the notes". Watching Songs of Praise 10 top favourite hymns. 10. I the Lord of sea and sky (individualistic) 9. Be still for the presence of the Lord. 8. Amazing grace. 7. Guide me O thou great redeemer. 6. I vow to thee my country. 5. Abide with me. 4. Dear Lord and Father. 3. In Christ alone. 2 How gr...


Fascinating visit to Freemasons Hall. Dennis gave us an excellent tour and the restored organ is very fine. I played Moore and Thiman. There are women masons and Catholics do join. Catenians heavily influenced eg titles, regalia, room arrangement, Grand this and that which has thankfully gone. This innocent post on Facebook brought forth a tirade in which I was accused of promoting Masons who are demonic! I left the Catholic Man Uk discussion group as a result as one Paul Priest's posts were not monitored or removed. So rude and so un Christian. To Selsdon De Vere for Kairos Community Trust dinner after the golf day. Service was very slow! I was starving. Nice chat to Mary and Michael and the Aitkins. Watched 3 programmes on the Ritz hotel.

Stanley Spencer

Finished Bali painting. South London interfaith group lunch. Committee was cancelled. Caught up on Antiques roadshow and Stanley Spencer and his daughters. Fr Andrew replied to the email about the young servers and threw the ball back in our court. They are the problem not us! Prom on Symphonie Fantastique.

St Michael's

Mass and coffee. I have not been to St Michael's West Croydon for some time. The organ recitals are no longer every Wednesday in the season. Ralph Gustafsson from Stockholm played Petersson, Rinck and Guilmant really well and we were given (!) CDs by Malcolm Kemp and Louis Brito-Babapulle - they are having a clearout! Watched Japan programmes and checked guidebooks. Bruce rang about organs in Jersey to play. Antiques roadshow. Liz went to maths. 


After many struggles with computers and my Kindle which refuses to link to our printer, the servers rota is printed! Also managed to print materials for SPIDIR refresher course on Monday. Had alie-in. Chat to Henry on phone. To Grow meeting (the usual boring format - what a misnomer) at Caterham. What a waste of time! 

Peter Stevens

Peter Stevens played so musically at St Michael Cornhill. Bach, Byrd, intriguing MacMillan, Franck Priere, Durufle Sicilienne and a blistering Toccata. Superb!Really enjoyed Food at V and A with Nelson Ferreira. Thanks Nelson! Big discussion over latte about sponsorship for the exhibition. Very exciting. Liz to maths and I went to Beckenham circle. 

James Lancelot

Catching up on TV Proms. The Martin Brabbins was a delight. The space and Johnnie Greenwood all seemed very samey! Liz in Liverpool for national servers Mass on Saturday. The art group thanked Julie. I saw my pictures in the library. A delightful recital by James Lancelot at St John's. I must play the Harris and Whitlock again. Also included Bach, Rheinberger, Karg-Elert, Elgar, Alain and Widor. Good audience including Andrew Scott, Carl Jackson and Christopher Herrick. Returned scores to Central music library and went to Tate Britain to see Blake but there were far too many people there so I may return in January! A lovely party at Roger Brice's lovely new home for RSCM commitee members to honour Peter Wright for 30 years of briliiant leadership Astonishing that RSCM HQ did not consider it right to mark 30 years of voluntary service! Open day but could not park to visit Heavers farm school - should have walked from home! To the drome for mass for John Braburne's cause 40 ...

A great day

John Ireland Piano concerto from the Henry Wood prom - unjustly neglected and beautifully played by Leon McCauley Welsh Church for an excellent recital by Jeremiah Stephenson. First visit to Cartoon museum which is fun. Met Clare who looks after servers robes. 17 came to hear Jonathan and Raphael from Standwithus on Jewish and Christian Zionist positions on Palestine. Both spoke really well and there was a lively discussion. They will be coming again.Mass and party for cathedral volunteers and good to see Canon Christopher there. A very listenable programme from Yves Castagnet at the drome which justly got a standing ovation. Watched Gaerth Thomas with HIV,


Took Henry to the lake after Mass. The traffic was very heavy thanks to works at Goathouse bridge. Henry seemed sleepy at the cafe so we came home and he soon woke up playing track! At quiet time a good discussion on redemption and is there anybody in hell? Watched Bakeoff. 

Benjamin Newlove

To mosaic and Linda is back after her op. At St Michael Cornhill I was delighted that Benjamin Newlove played a British programme. We were confused that the Harwood and Stanford were reversed! To eye test and current glasses are good for 2 years. Watching Judy Dench in Borneo. Liz went to maths and I went to Bromley circle meeting.


Played Jerusalem, Andrew Fletcher on Was lebet and Willan Chorale and fugue from A fugal trilogy a favourite piece of Dad's. Good to have Jerry Garton and Anne-Marie Garton back from holiday. We sang Flocks in pastures green abiding a favourite of my late mother-in-law. Just watching bits of the last night again. I still cannot understand what the chorus are singing in the Percy Grainger! The Maconchy is a great piece! The men's chorus in the Verdi were rough. Jamie Barton was fab! Evensong with Joe Matthews psalm now plainchant and chants for canticles. As Bob not there David sang the solo in The Call. Decided not to go to Christ's chapel organ recital and watched some Prom bits and Antiques roadshow.  Sanditon is good. Mozart requiem from Proms. 

Last night

To St Augustine's Kilburn for Christian Muslim forum on spirituality and learning. Good lunch and discussion on grace at Islamic Centre of England. The speakers seem to have different views on what the subject really is. This afternoon to the Royal Academy, Zhang Jian-Jun draws human shapes! Hurrah! The Garden has examples from 250 years of the RA schools including wonderful Landseers. I sketched self-portraits by Helene Schjerfbeck sad, frightened? and was very struck to see a lady in the street with the same expression! Fr John celebrated Mass and quite rightly had a go at the noisy French servers before Mass. The choir from St John's Wood sang really well. Jamie Barton was great and a most enjoyable international Last Night. Murray John who has been to 500 proms did the chaplet really well. 


Swam, breakfast in the garden sunny but an autumnal feel in the air!  Listening to Shostakovich 5 from the Proms. Sorting out exhibition dates for the autumn - so much to go to!  Downton!!!! Fantastic!!!  To Balham library and got some guides to the Far East and saw Des. Choir practice with Joe Matthews and lots of Anglican chant!  One of the contestants on The Great British bake off plays the organ and made one for the showstopper!


Art at St Stephen Norbury and good progress on the Bali painting. So glad I went to see Mrs Lowry and son. Vanessa Redgrave and Timothy Spall are perfect and it so reflects Northern attitudes. I was reminded of Auntie Nellie. I too want to paint with love and feeling! To Tate Modern Takis can't be taken seriously. Olafur Eliasson very interesting especially Beauty but I hated the fog! Cream tea in the members room. Excellent talk on Mary in the New testament at Southwark cathedral by Dr Jeffrey John. I have the notes if anyone would like a copy. I also went to Bankside gallery and looked at the Society of watercolour displey - the prices are too high! 

Design museum

Swam, Mass, coffee, hearing aid clinic at South Norwood Methodist hall (right one tube full of wax). Awesome playing from Josh Stephens at St Matthew Westminster. His pedalling in Bach Prelude and fugue in D immaculate and looks easy! Lucky Sheffield cathedral! Simon Lole could not come. Beazley awards Design museum. The Kubrick display very crowded. Several of his films I have not seen and would not want to! Loved the architecture display in the Beazley. To Trailfinders to thank Arron and he loves Japan so lots of good ideas. Liz went to the Bach prom and I went to Dulwich meeting. Brendan told us about the new website and leaflets starting with Newman.

Czech Philharmonic

To Mass and Henry came and played very happily. It seems Halfords did not fit the new car seat correctly at all. To quiet time. Superb Prom by Czech Philharmonic. Smetana, Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich 8. Semyon Bychkov conducting.

St Anthony of Padua

Swam today and Mass - Anerley church has been decorated and the floor sanded. Wierd dream about swimming in Dubai and an offer to go to the Louvre in Abu Dhabi but there wasn't time. 


An eclectic programme from Paul Ayres at St Michael Cornhill finishing with Stairway to heaven - I wonder what Harold Darke would have said. To see Clare then preProm talk on Henry Wood and Wagner. The RPO prom under Marc Albrecht was excellent. Weber, Franck and Gotterdammerung exceprts with a brand new score from CML. Harry Bramma was there.


To Riverside Winds delightful concert at St John Upper Norwood. A remarkable flute solo "The great train ride" and Rimsky-Korsakov piano and wind quintet. Served at Malta Day Mass with Cardinal Grech. It was chaotic! The French boys were back at Mass - 16 servers!! Callum Alger has started - welcome! The Prom tonight is Mozart, Strauss and Beethoven. Watched Sir Simon Rattle conducting Belshazzar's Feast, Koechlin and Varese.Played Elgar Chanson de Matin. Pomp and circumstance No. 1. We sang David Ogden Christ has no body which reminds me of Audrey Kempson whose funeral I played for. 3 in choir and Revd Sarah Goatcher gave a good sermon and had liaised with junior church as they were looking at Onesimus and modern slavery. Loved the prom BBC So with Sakari Oramo. Sibelius 5 which I love, Andriessen, Judith Weir, Night on a bare mountain. New respect for Canterbury Philharmonia tackling this work so well with many tempo changes although Sakari was faster! Have really enjo...

Robert Sutton

Chat to Ann, back playing up a bit, loaded trip photos and edited them. Welcoming at cathedral quite quiet - saw Fr Vlad and Fr Martin. Got spectacles fixed and tea at Pret. To St John's vicarage for barbecue and drinks to meet Robert Sutton and Joe Matthews new directors of music.


To Mass at Thornton Heath. The new pp celebrated. Art and Mind, body, spirit started late and not a full hour. Liz to Prom as we only got one ticket. Dennis popped in. We now have a new car seat for Henry. Watched John Wilson prom and Bavarian radio SO Sibelius, Prokofiev and Strauss. Listened to prom Rach and Brahms 2. Watched Joyce singing Berlioz with Pappano.

Vienna Philharmonic

Swam 20. The Chinese man who always swims too slow in the medium lane asked where I had been. Cleaned my study - the dormer had been left open so bits of tree had come in and some rain. To quiet day and Michael Dorey on Fear of the Lord and hope. Only 9 there. I fell asleep during the quiet times. At mass Fr Michael Quaqoe back from Rome gave an excellent homily on Jesus's daily life. We all need to have quiet time. To Pre-Prom talk on Korngold in America. Lovely playing from Vienna Philharmonic Dvorak 9, Korngold violin concerto, Strauss Polka encore. 


Loved the Postal museum and mail train with all 3 boys. The pre-Prom was a selection of players enjoyed the violin and piano. Glorious Prom Vienna Philharmonic Bernard Haitink Emmanuel Ax Beethoven piano concerto 4, Bruckner 7.

Back to normal

Played Dad's Bishopthorpe suite composed 2 Aug 1994, adagio from Elgar cello concerto and Thiman's Postlude on Harwood's Thornbury. At communion I improvised on Amazing grace as Fr Charles Bradshaw spoke about Newton and showed us a bracelet which was the price of a young slave. Quite shocking. He also brought a 1200 year old cross and ancient Chiro oil lamp and a crucifix made from the tree Argentine Bishop crashed into. I was warmly welcomed back by several members of the congregation. Death cafe was as always very interesting and I raised the issue of preparing children and also how family occasions bring back so many happy memories.Liz went to prom and I listened in and watched Antiques roadshow. Back to mosaic and Balham library to get scores. The shelves are in such a mess. It is pot luck but I found 4! My first prom this season Benvenuto Cellini chorus having a ball. Hard to follow miniature score in the gallery gloom! Good to see friends again and James Shirras o...


Unpacked and Ocado delivered so put all that away. Washing on the line but it rained later on. Liz went to take Henry swimming as Dennis hurt eye and AnnMarie had an infected insect bite but it wasn't happening so they went to Crystal Palace park. Fr Rajiv at Mass and he requested quicker moves as he has to cut his homily every week! I said we were obsessed with the length of Mass whereas in India time was not important!  Michael Butterfield has gone to Truro as acting assistant director of music. Watched Sheku play Elgar superbly and with great feeling and Steinberg. Also Stephen Hough playing Mendelssohn and Prince Albert on a gold piano from Buckingham Palace. Excellent prom for Sir Henry Wood 150th including Ireland and Grainger. On Proms encore they used the footage of us crowning the bust! 


Dubai really is an extraordinary place. Las Vegas, beach resort, skyscrapers, if you have money anything is possible. A seven star hotel where tea costs 200 dollars. Obscene!  We visited a carpet shop on our tour and ended up buying a beautiful wall hanging same thing happened in Jaipur! Yesterday was a very expensive day!  Swim and jacuzzi, substantial breakfast. Rest and watched again Florence Foster Jenkins with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant.tour was for 3 but turned out to be 4 so we could have gone out but it was 35 degrees! Complete silence on drive to desert reserve. I was tempted to ask if we were going to a funeral. Toddler down and convoy of 10. Saw gazelle and oryx. exciting dune drive. Did not go on camel. Excellent meal and dancers. Unfortunately did no t get Liz dancing. Back at 9.15 so swim and jacuzzi in the dark. Still hot. The inconsistencies a belly dancer and wives completely covered. No gay rights. Not seen beggars but have not been in souks. Huge expat a...


Wedding. We packed up at Camberwell at 11 and had a good drive to Healesville. The driving was so much smoother as I had looked up advice on the automatic. The air bnb is a loft at the back of the property.on the Marrondah highway. Very comfy I parked in the carport. We went for a walk into the town initially looking for Coles and found a good jewellers where Liz got garnet ear studs to.match her dress. They are heart shaped. Tammy and Michael Robinson picked us up at 3.45 and we were at Zonzo winery at 4. The ceremony was lovely with Ann and Paul reading the Irish blessing. Sarah looked stunning. We met Lennoxes and the Greek family. I videoed a lot on my phone. The.crowns ceremony was nice. The mothers witness the wedding and Clare had the rings. Then canapes and champagne and an Italian sitdown. Antipasto, pizza, lamb and desert. 140 there lots of Lenoxes and Greek family. Good speeches and great  dancing. Particularly loved Mark's speech and the dance. Finished by 10. Lots of ...

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra

Mendelssohn SaintSaens played by Jian Wang Bach encore .Symphonie fantastique brilliant. Strings are excellent. Conducted by Molokai Szeps-Znaider. Home by 11. £76 well spent! Surprised by lady behind us with huge Alsatian she is autistic. Few noises but audience which was large very quiet.


Christchurch. 1 hour flight from Auckland clear views there but rain on arrival. Malcolm met us and we recognised many roads on the way to their lovely home. Liz went to the concert dress rehearsal but I slept. Ursula, Emily and Bernard were all on great form. Ursula's paintings really make the house. We laughed at The secret life of Walter Mitty on their huge screen. N Z beat Australia in the rugby. Slept well. Sunday to mass at St Peter Beckenham.went there 2 years ago. Music group did well Haugen, Gather us in, Farell, Christ be our light, Overhead projector Mass setting easy to sing. Old words for Gloria. All not many. Bishop Paul Martin who is very tall gave an excellent homily on divisions in families and suffering. He wants to close churches and cathedral and rebuild elsewhere not popular. Brunch then to The Piano for Canterbury Philharmonia concert which was very good. Verdi, Mussorgsky, Babar and SaintSaens. Mozart Sinfonia concertante. Malcolm played oboe and is chair...


Excellent time in Ubud  Liz not too good during the night with tummy. Staff very concerned and Pudu sent special rice pudding to the room. Packed and pleased bill was not as  much as expected. Driver took us to royal temple which we missed on tour 2 and it is lovely. Arrived at Samaya Seminyak. It is even more luxurious than Ubud Samaya. Afternoon tea and swam twice. Dinner overlooking the beach and sunset. Had duck. Watched Bohemian rhapsody. Breakfast overlooking beach. Lazed around pool best in early evening. It has jacuzzi nozzles. Mini bar included! Drink very heavily taxed here. Restaurant costs more here but sunsets are stunning. Watched Catherine the great on Kindle. Over the 4 days established a pattern of early morning dip 9 a.m. Full breakfast smoothie bowl, morning star drink, tropical fruit platter, poached eggs on avocado. Waffles in takeaway box for later. Rest and read on bed  swim afternoon tea in room, dinner and sunset. Movie choice limited despite ...


Louise and the boys kindly took us to Gatwick. Watched Red Joan and Dumbo. 5 hours at airport watched first night of proms. 9 hours to Denpaysar. Slept 3 hours and Shostakovich. Man next to me was large but he did open the gin bottle. Met by Trailfinders lady and 2 hour drive to Ubud. Samaya Ubud is luxurious and Puyatha the manager and team made us so welcome!  Our own pool and 2 dinners included. We soon settled into early morning swim, buggy uphill to breakfast. Relaxing by pool or in villa. Met Dono local painter in evening and 2 sessions painting. He is disabled with 2 kids. Of course we bought the canvas and I will finish it at home. He paints sitting on the floor mixing oils with turps on the lid of an old can. On  Friday met guide and driver. Ubud  wood carving shop  and bought elephant. Rudana art museum traditional and modern art. Sacred monkey forest and temple we saw lots of macaques. One grabbed my arm because I had the camera battery in my closed fist....

Our anniversary

45 years. Where did they go? Quiet day checking post, emails and unpacking some of the items we will not need. Haircut. Fr Rajiv at Mass - just 3 of us serving. Very pleasent meal at Indian restaurant Bromley Hill with Dulwich Catenians. Sunday played lots of Elgar and Nun danket. Family came for lunch brought by Lou - beef lasagne and prosecco. Great fun. Prom on BBC4 Shostakovich 11 Rachmaninoff and Midnight sun variations. Enjoyed Monday sunshine at Kelsey park and Punch and Judy. Packed. 


PART 2. In Alesund visited the old pharmacy which is an Art Nouveau museum and Kube modern art gallery. Quintet played Beethoven and tangos, Not amused by Scottish comedian. 2 days at sea crossing Arctic circle and getting colder. Spa, swim, finished Elizabeth Buchan Consider the Lily and Fred Gallienne who we met in Guernsey. Mass. Spa. BBC film extreme worlds. Supper for congregation in dining room every pleasant..After a day off the quintet returned with ballet and Russian music. Lovely cello solos. Saturday in Longyearbyen . Airport bus to husky farm presentation and slides about polar bears. Waffles and syrup drink. Wood fires. Austrian guide. Svalbard museum very good and stopped to see polar bear sign and geese but we missed the most northerly church in the world which did not please. Mass and we both read. Quintet played Shostakovich and Sibelius and Rebecca Clarke. Stayed up for Philipino show. Woke early and read at mass. Fantastic Liefdeldjord with 3 glaciers. Haydn, Bach...

Iceland to Scotland

Part 4. Arrived in Reykjavik at 8. 8 hour Golden circle tour. Ancient parliament site, law rock and drowning pool fissure where 2 plates meet. Geysir unimpressive having been at Old Faithful. Salmon lunch. Very windy at Gulafoss waterfalls but impressive. Hydroelectric plant geothermal energy. Few at Mass. Evening trip to Blue lagoon amazing silica very good for skin. Plasters over wedding ring as cannot take it off! Back at midnight. Coach to town expensive. Culture house excellent national treasures. Tour of Harpa concert halls very impressive. Walked to Hallgrimskirkja in time for superb concert by Schola cantorum. Coffee and chocs afterwards they should sing at proms impeccable tuning and we 'll presented. We were lucky to hear the organist most rehearsing on the huge Klais organ.Bought CD. Left at 3 and 3 people missed it. Swam and spa.After Mass for Ignatius Loyola parish dinner was enjoyable. James from St Louis is very nice. Quintet Chopin, Dvorak, Clarke,Bach_Tchaik. W...


Part 3. Finished David Sedaris Calypso. Quite amusing. Clocks back again. Up to go to stretch to find it was just finishing! Programme for the day was wrong. Seydisfjordur Iceland some sun! On a fishing boat to bird cliffs saw gulls and puffins. Enjoyed it .the blue church is lovely. Spa and sauna. Mass for St James. Dinner in the upstairs of restaurant delicious beef. Comedian and sax in show. Two piano quintet sessions Debussy, the Swan, Chopin, Bach. Friday rained solidly in Akureyri.Coach trip botanical gardens started by housewives in 1952. Laufas parsonage and church fascinating. Godafoss waterfalls worth the trip. Abandoned wet walk to church and museums. Spa and sauna. Deacon Gerry preached well at Mass. Planet earth 2 with I've music excellent. Great to read Tablet on kindle. Saturday walked round Isafjordur after visiting Westfjord museum. Old town and garden.swam and short sauna. After lunch excellent tour to Sudavik coffee and marriage cake and film about the 1995 a...


11 /7 Ea st Croydon to St Pancras. 4 hour Eurostar to Amsterdam. Nice to see Francis Herbert. Tram to Zuid and Marc picked us up. Air bnb very nice. Supermarket and sat outside and drank wine. 12/7 exc breakfast. Tram and metro into town got I love Amsterdam card for 2 days. Rembrandt house fascinating and exhibition of work influenced by him.Portuguese synagogue is huge and very well presented. Jewish history museum exhibition. On Kabbala and modern versions are interesting. Loved the presentations and the children's museum is great. Lovely fish and wine at Alexandros. Supermarket. Watched Federer defeat Nadal. 13/7 to museum Van Loon which is a fine house with garden and coach house. Walked to Rembrandtplein to get tram. Coffee at Cafe Waterloo. Delightful organ and violin at Moses and Aaron church Rheinberger, Kreisler and Boccherini and Durufle well played. Hermitage museum impressive collection Velasquez and Van der Leyden. Group portraits. To Norris botanical garden. Pasta...


A most enjoyable organists outing to St Mary Reigate and Hatchlands where the audio guide is excellent.Pat MacHugh transferred to Dulwich circle from Dublin. 


Took Henry to Crystal Palace park - the new cafe is very good and he enjoyed the dinosaurs and farm especially the meerkats and tortoises. To quiet time in hall as Adrian and Daniel were tuning organ. Superb Figaro from the Royal Opera House. What wonderful music and singing!

Crystal Palace.

Monday mosaic, Peter Wright's last recital as director of music at Southwark including Messiaen, Bach, Vierne and Peeters Aria. Spidir committee. Both to Maidstone 800th meeting black tie dinner. Lots of dithering after the meal, Flame is not a charity and Barbara Stevens the guest speaker was not great. Took Henry to Crystal Palace park - the new cafe is very good and he enjoyed the dinosaurs and farm especially the meerkats and tortoises.


Played another new piece Meditation by Gabriel Dupont and Finlandia Liz's Dad's favourite. We sang Boyce Alleluia which fitted well with 4 children admitted to communion and 5 new Mothers Union members. Abandoned attempt to reach St Paul's cathedral for the lunchtime talk - train broken down at Blackfriars meant a long delay at London Bridge. listened to the final evensong from King's conducted by Stephen Cleobury. End of an era? A very calm evensong and Benediction at St John Sumsion ATB setting, Stanford Song of Wisdom, Howells Master Tallis' testament.

Humour in music

Mass at Anerley. To doctor only to find they think the appointment is next Friday which is not so. St Stephen Wallbrook for excellent recital by Laurence Lyndon-Jones Bach, Handel, Saint-Saens, Mendelssohn and Fiesta by Emma Lou Diemer. He is going into data science but will keep playing. I hope he does. Welcoming at the cathedral - 40 Sardinian teenagers with orange packs which reminded me of migrant lifejackets! Nice to see Kate. Home to watch Wimbledon. A very pleasant party at Adrian and Terence Roberts lovely garden apartment. Delightful coffee concert by the Ruskin trio at St John's. Nicholas Bucknall clarinet and church warden, Kate Musker viola and David Elwin piano. Mozart, Bruch, Francaix and Schumann. It was lovely to watch their facial expressions and I was amused at the idea of Mozart playing skittles and composing at the same time! 2 of our servers were among those confirmed by Bishop John Sherrington at Mass. Victoria choir sang. Nice to see Fr Mikey Mags!...


Mass at Thornton Heath and a class came from school. Art and good progress. Mind, body, spirit. Gave Brendan Fitzgerald a lift to St Thomas the Apostle school, Nunhead for the Aspirations evening. Some very impressive students - Spanish, actor, musicians.


To Mass then Royal Academy for Felix Vallatton. Michael Moran led quiet day on fortitude. Played for High Mass for St Thomas at St John Upper Norwood. What a treat that organ is!


To Mass and Fr Stuart on his own. Henry came and would not go in paddling pool, We made chocolate cakes although the mixer scared him. Played and read stories and watched DVD. To quiet time and took Ann home. Checked music for tomorrow night. Wimbledon on TV. Watched part of Carmen live from the Royal Opera house. Strange production. 


We sang Prayer of St Richard of Chichester. L. J. White and I played Meditation on Slane by Thiman and Dubois Toccata. To Death cafe and very interesting conversation. Lovely that Bobbie Darbyshire came.Tidied up the patio so we could eat out. Nothing on TV so catching up on Couples come dine with me. Mosaic. Alessandro Bianchi from Lugano played a completely unfamiliar programme at Cornhill. Langlais and Germani were the only composers I had heard of! Quite interesting.

Busy days

To Mass at Anerley and an excellent homily on not judging others from Fr Stuart. Seneca "We carry other's vices in our eyes and our own vices on our backs". Fitted very well with Chris Chapman on Unconscious bias in life on Monday! To the Architecture displays at V and A and sketched some superb South Indian instruments. Natural history museum Wildlife photographer of the year excellent. Delicious BBQ at Acton.Enjoyed Sean's assembly. The Foundling museum has an interesting display on Hogarth and noise. Listened to some Handel.At the Interfaith lunch we heard about Buddhist hospital chaplaincy. To British library to see Leonardo. Intrigued by Jo Spence and Oreet Ashery Misbehaving bodies at Wellcome. Good to see Canon Christopher and Deacon William Lo at Mass. Byrd 4 part Mass. Sacred Heart of Jesus. Scripture and Violence University of Cambridge Inter-faith programme at LSE. It was all a bit academic but David Ford on scriptural reasoning was good.