Iceland to Scotland

Part 4. Arrived in Reykjavik at 8.
8 hour Golden circle tour. Ancient parliament site, law rock and drowning pool fissure where 2 plates meet. Geysir unimpressive having been at Old Faithful. Salmon lunch. Very windy at Gulafoss waterfalls but impressive. Hydroelectric plant geothermal energy. Few at Mass. Evening trip to Blue lagoon amazing silica very good for skin. Plasters over wedding ring as cannot take it off!

Back at midnight. Coach to town expensive. Culture house excellent national treasures. Tour of Harpa concert halls very impressive. Walked to Hallgrimskirkja in time for superb concert by Schola cantorum. Coffee and chocs afterwards they should sing at proms impeccable tuning and we 'll presented. We were lucky to hear the organist most rehearsing on the huge Klais organ.Bought CD. Left at 3 and 3 people missed it. Swam and spa.After Mass for Ignatius Loyola parish dinner was enjoyable. James from St Louis is very nice. Quintet Chopin, Dvorak, Clarke,Bach_Tchaik. We missed their Shostakovich. E Clement magician Adam Heppenstall. Very rough seas.
Day at sea and gradually sea calmed. Spa and sauna. The housekeeping staff did a great display of towel folding. Immigration completed and saw the magician. Mass and wished a happy anniversary 45 years. Dinner at the Pinnacle superb but are too much. Honey bacon, lobster bisque, beef tenderloin, chocolate souffle. I felt so full until I finally burped!.Evan ill so Martinu, Beethoven, Sibelius, Bach.sketched and said goodbye.they have been terrific. Our package of 8 wine bottles has been great. Watched Serengeti 1. Finished reading Ann Morgan World between two covers reading the globe.
Last Mass Sacred Heart as first Friday. Last breakfast in room. Spa and sauna. After lunch into Invergordon on bus. Liz left bag with coats behind. Invergordon museum and craft fair musical jewellery and birch dolphin. Boots for cream for leg. Bus to Inverness lovely day and views of Cromarty firth. Marks for swimming costumes and short and the for wedding.bought presents. River looking great. Cream tea at Marks. Left luggage. Lounge opened 6.30. Turned out no hot food on Caledonian sleeper. St Mungo lager and sandwiches lovely views. Left 8.45 and host moved us to adjoining cabins.Unlucky old rolling stock as feel every bump and points. Woke at least 3 times. Arrived 8a.m. Buses disrupted by bike ride so train from St Pancras and bus home by 10. Saw Alice.Unpacked and post. Garden looks great despite the heat.


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