Thanks to eric this for this quiz on Anglican liturgical gestures. here St Bede's Epicopal church, Forest Grove, Oregon has an excellent guide to gestures. BOWING - Simple Bow [x] At the name of Jesus [x] Toward the processional/recessional cross [ ] Toward the Gospel book during the processional [] Toward the priest during the pro/recessional [x] When approaching or leaving the altar [x] At the Gloria Patri BOWING - Profound Bow or Genuflection [x] When entering/leaving a pew [x] During the Nicene Creed at the Incarnatus. (From "he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man," through "he suffered death and was buried.") [] At the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy Lord) [] After the words of institution ("that it may become for us the body/blood of your Son...") SIGN OF THE CROSS+ [x] Up, down, left, right (RC) [] Up, down, left, right, heart (Anglican) [ ] Up, down, right, left, heart (Orthodox) [] At every mention of "Father, Son and Hol...