Bath Abbey lollipops

We enjoyed the Saturday evening recital on the Klais organ of Bath Abbey by Mark Swinton. Mark is assistant at the abbey and comes from Chester. He studied at the University of York and had lessons with John Scott Whiteley and Francis Jackson. We were able to watch him on the big screen and he introduced all the items. He began with a transcription of the Marriage of Figaro overture taken at a furious pace. Then a selection of Walton from Henry V and the glorious "Crown Imperial". Next the Scherzo in A flat by Bairstow which is almost cinema organ music! Malcolm Archer's "Bluesleeves" (Gershwin meets Henry VIII) and English country gardens in the style of Bach had us all smiling. Bizet's Caprice ws written for harmonium and was followed by Dad's favourite Tuba Tune by Norman Cocker. He was mentioned as a cathedral organist who also played in the cinema - apparently Nigel Perrin (?) also does this? Pietro Yon's Humoresque for one flute is a delight. The whole thing was rounded off by the horrors of Lefebure-Wely. An Andante in F (which apparently he used to play at communion) and 2 Sorties rounded the whole thing off. Pity more people didn't attend a fun evening!


Peter Simpson said…
I like Cocker's Tuba Tune - and also the Tuba Tune by C S Lang. As you see - I love to hear the Solo Tuba!

In my youthful days at St Aidan's Leeds, it was guaranteed to be used in the final hymn on all festival days - marvellous!
Nothing quite like the tuba sailing over the whole organ - pity there isn't one at Coulsdon!
Edward said…
What a fabulous program! Wish I'd been there. I've got a Tuba, but it's not the powerhouse some of the English ones seems to be. I love it nonetheless :-)

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