
Tuesday evening to St John's Upper Norwood for another of Revd Beverley Mason's powerpoints on prayer "Contmeplation in a world of action". From a wealth of material here is a useful quote from Sr Margaret Magdalene "Jesus, Man of prayer" p21-2.
What is Contemplation?
"A way of looking, and listening, of beholding, marvelling, considering. It moves on into the will, sometimes in great darkness and aridity, but it often begins with wonder. As adults most of us have lost the ability to bow before the mysteries fo life. Driven by compulsive urge to explain and rationalise everything, beset with so many cares and responsibilities, unable to lose ourselves utterly, as a child dares, totally absorbed in whatever has captured his interest".
Talking about distractions I quoted Cardinal Hume's "prayer of the eyes" where he says that the apparent distractions we see could be used as somebody or something to pray about.


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