A fine sermon

Thanks to Wounded Bird here for linking to Fr Jake and there are some excellent comments! Read the excellent sermon about unity by the Anglican Archbishop of Armagh link to here.


June Butler said…
John, thanks for the link and for your visit to my site.

I am a retired librarian, but I do not play the organ. I like helping folks find answers, too.

Because of my work as a librarian, I find that I am pretty good at using Google to find the information I want.
Peter Simpson said…
I knew Alan Harper well - he was Rector at St John's, Malone, Belfast where I worshipped between 1979 and 1990. During that time I had (now Bishop) Edward Darling as Rector until 1985, and (now Archbishop) Alan Harper as Rector from 1986. Alan was a good preacher, but not as good as Edward! I can still remember and be challenged by some of Edward's sermons 25 years on. One of his sermons at the Midnight Eucharist of Christmas had me in tears - I really felt I was in the stable at Bethlehem!
Librarians unite! It's a small world!

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