Alton Towers

A very early start but we were able to park at the cathedral. Coach set off at 7. 3 hours in a not very comfortable coach. This was the national gathering of Catholic altar servers to mark the centenary of the Society of St Stephen. It was a glorious day and we all wore badges saying "I serve at the altar of God". The horrendous rides like Oblivion are not for me but we did enjoy Hex, Charlie and the chocolate factory (boat ride and glass elevator), teacups and got very wet on the rapids. Soon dried off in the sun. Liz went on the Blade, runaway train and Beastie but my back won't stand that. The ruined house (Pugin) was interesting. We arrived back tired but happy and gave Nerone a lift to Streatham. It was good that Philip and his parents came - he serves with us on Saturday nights and is 10.


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