Park, American music and Igor Stravinsky

Monday to Battersea Park for a walk and passing Carter's steam fair with carousel. Went to branch development team meeting and had a moan about lack of staff. To the hospital after work to see Grandma and Mary Joyce. The prom was on BBC4 - interesting arrangement of Brahms Piano quintet by Schoenberg played by the Frankfurt Radio orchestra (Proms debut). Today was miserable and wet. I swam 42 lengths! The prom was again on BBC4 - Petrushka, Bernstein On the Town dances.BBC Scottish conducted by Robert Spada making his Proms debut. The Morton Rogers trip joined the orchestra to improvise Rhapsody in Blue. Not quite to my taste at times. It was full! Aren't audiences strange!
When I was 14 Stravinsky visited Johannesburg on his way to the Kruger National Park. Robert Craft conducted all the concerts. Mum and Dad were invited to a civic reception as Dad was acting as mayoral organist that year! I went instead of Dad and was appalled at the way the great composer was treated. A large tub of cement was brought and placed on a Persian rug in front of him and he was expected to put his feet in this cement and sign it. The cement spilled over onto the beautiful rug. It was so small town and yuk! Stravinsky smiled through it all! The local music critic emerged from the scrum saying "this is the hand that shook the hand".


Edward said…
Carter's steam fair with carousel

Does it play the Norman Warren communion service? :-)

The Stravinsky story boggles the mind...
Thank goodness No! I know - it was so tacky!
Anonymous said…
Glad you like the Proms. My view is that this is far from being a classic season. The big draw for me is the Bavarians under Jansons and I will be going to the Sibelius 2 and Beethoven 9th. No problems with bums on seats at these two concerts.
The truth is every year I look at the season and think "How odd!" and then I find some gems come up. "The Apostles" last night being one and the always stunning National Youth orchestra and European community youth orchestra. I have also made the effort to prom twice and enjoyed it very much especially when I was early enough to get a seat! A friend has given me a copy of the Beethoven 9 on the opening night so my sister can take that back to Oz with her!
Anonymous said…
I ended up, after making a last minute decision, attending the Apostles. I was impressed by the music and the CBSO and Chorus. Would love to hear it sung in a cathedral. There is a debate on the Mander Organs discussion board about whether the Organ drowned out the orchestra but I didn't think it was a problem. Good to hear CWR so soon after her singing DOG at the Cathedral.
I enjoyed the broadcast from Birmingham and from the Proms and I did nto notice the organ being too loud! CWR is very special!

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