Graham Kendrick

Funny how a tune sticks in the brain. On Sunday we sang "Beauty for brokenness" by local Croydon composer Graham Kendrick. It has excellent words and a pleasant tune. DO you know it Ed? The refrain is
God of the poor, friend of the weak, give us compassion we pray;
melt our cold hearts, let tears fall like rain;
come, change our love from a spark to a flame.
Of course it fitted Sunday's gospel about lighting a fire on earth. It's much better than the ubiquitous "Shine, Jesus shine"! Verse 4 talks about the ravaged earth, plundered and poisoned - how appropriate!
Today is my last day at work for a fortnight and Ann arrives tomorrow from Sydney - hurrah!


Anonymous said…
BFB is one of GK's better efforts. Sound theology, an economical approach to the words and a simple tune that isn't mawkish or sentimental has produced a worship song that will last. Not sure if you sing any of Stuart Towend's songs at Coulsdon but he is a contemporary composer of worship songs whose writing speaks with a traditional voice which means that he will have broader appeal than many who write for this genre.
Edward said…
I had to look it up! I agree about the good words; not so crazy about the tune. Was it easy for a congregation to pick up? But it could be useful. I don't usually admit it in public or to my musical colleagues, but there are a number of Graham Kendrick songs I rather like...
We don't have any Townend in BBC Songs of Praise which is not a good collection anyway! The congregation coped well with the Kendrick.

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