Ein Karem

41 books read this year, 27 last year, 30 in 2016, 30 in 2015. Liz went to children's workshop at St John's and returned with a large white paper star. Ein Karem scene of the Visitation has a tragic past linking it to Yad Vashem and the destruction of Palestinian villages and the massacre at Deir Yassin. 254 children, women and men died in1948. We must never let these holocausts happen again. Tony Graham With sure fierce love towards Galilee1998. How time flies! 10 years since the Belmont Holy Land pilgrimage, I first went there in 1972 and have been fortunate to go 3 times in all. And still no peace! Catching up on Masterchef the Professionals and Laurence won! I had hoped all along he would. Reflecting on Christmas 1914 when carols brought a day of peace maybe music could bring enemies together in the Holy Land? Daniel Barenboim gave the lead on this. Just watching 100 years of King's carols. It must be molto scary to be a treble there and suddenly get to sing the solo! Just seen George Arthur Richford on the Victoria and Albert wedding programme. Well done! Saw Julie from art and her family on the way to Kew. Fr John at Mass and a Philippino Jesuit priest whose alb did not quite cover his jeans! We skipped the sambang - it was pretty ghastly last year. Watched programmes on Siberian tigers also some show jumping from Olympia. 


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