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Surprised by joy

Wednesday 3rd June. To 9 a.m. mass at Good Shepherd, New Addington. This was a Catenian Mass for vocations and 4 brothers were there - Philip, Bill, David and me. Fr Stephen Boyle was friendly. Why some brothers who are retired did not attend is beyond me. i was late because of 2 sets of works and a school patrol lady! Back home for coffee and saw David and Katy up the road and set off for spirituality day. I got locked in the loo in the Hinsley Room and Fr Paul Fox rescued me! There were 20 there and Fr Paul spoke so well about the Holy Spirit and radical change. He contrasted the man who has everything and is unhappy with the poor of Africa who have nothing but are full of joy. "Joyless is the day's return unaccompanied by thee". During the meditation time I thought about aspects of life which are without joy and how they need to be changed. Liz was serving at the Good Shepherd mass with 1000 children and Bishop John so the cathedral was closed. I sat in the little chap