RSCM, Nigel Groome and Bishop Nick
Saturday Feb 28th to Royal School of Church Music sessions at Gary Weston library, Southwark cathedral. Met the new director Lyndsey Gray who is impressive and I gave him some RC contacts. The presentations and discussions were helpful and there was opportunity to flag up concerns. In particular we have lost the "Martin Hows" available to come and advise at practices. To Vespers and mass - I was thurifer as Liz was due to go to Milton Keynes to meet Shirley and Flo but Grandma wasn't up to it. Sunday March 1 First of Lent. Nigel Groome RSCM rep came to practice and service. He said "Well done". Bishop Nick of Croydon presided and preached - he told Vickie the choir sounded good and they did well. To Sandra and Dave's in Chislehurst with Bruce for Gill's 60th birthday - surprise party which was great. Lots to eat! Monday March 2 Catenian meeting. Everyone enjoyed the 1000th - it was good to see Richard Nash there. Eric Tope is to be V.P. and he gave me a