
 Woke too early again. SM Jamaica Independence day with the lovely Ruth, S. Transfiguration. Lovely retreat from Belmont about St Francis - lovely videos. Took the flax to Dennis's bin. Finished the painting and quite pleased with it! Sunny again. Southwark parish email list rather long! Enjoyed the Prom NYO but where were the chorus in Daphnis and Chloe at the end? Read at Mass at West Norwood and Fr Julian said this was his last weekend. Good to see Jennie Mitchener. Teriyaki beef noodles Al fresco.

Sunday Lambeth conference opening service at Canterbury cathedral You tube. Procession of bishops organ played for 50 minutes amused to see clergy taking photos. Radio 4 highlights this am. Some with rucksacks! Liz came and we went to the tip. Played Bedard and Karg-Elert. Max was there so asked about carols and he agreed! Excellent MU lunch at Caterham. Dolmades, quiches, profiteroles!  Royal quiz. Had a rest. 2 Mozart proms and Ukranians on BBC2. The anthem was very moving at the end. Louise and Sean arrived and Henry came later. Got him to bed OK after a bath. Started Westminster emails list. First bit of SM Theology Sam Wells on faith and doubt. 

Monday set off at 9 and Lou helped to pack the car. Nymans was an excellent choice with plenty for the boys to do including archery, croquet, running races. We had tea and cake. On to Worth Abbey where we lit candles in the Lady chapel. At Wakehurst we spent some time in the Millenium seed bank display and had tea. Arrived at Saltdean at 4 and Max is the same age as Henry. Extricated them at 5 to go to Saltedean beach and had a dip. The boys swam. Ice cream at the cafe then fish and chips in Peacehaven. 

Tuesday set off at 9 to Drusillas and had a great day. Lots to see and do. They loved the rides and the train. Monkeys, panda, binturong, meerkats. Had chicken nuggets and chips and they went in the water play. Took 90 minutes to drive home and D and AM picked up H. I was so hot I had a shower! A great little holiday and you should hear Henry singing. 

Wed swam 20 and B including Fr Timothy on Edith Stein. Took Sean to Dunraven school Super camps. Had a lovely chat in the car. 

Chat to Claire. Prom Tredegar brass band incl RVW. Zero hour report launch. Meditation at 1. Westminster emails all done. Ate in the garden. The planets at the Prom and new work with Roderick Williams and chorus was lovely - Matthew Kaner's Pearl. 


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