
 Liz in Cardiff. Swam, Unacc exercises. Coconut oil good for the brain? Spirit unbounded live from Rome on gays. Lovely chat to Mick. Query about the history video for SLIFG which appears to be lost! Sr Joan Chittister from Rome excellent. Mary McAleese on canon law excellent. 

Sat to Precious Blood and in time for Mass. Walked along with Sheila. An unusual mix of BCP language and modern - don't think it really works. Played Moore and RVW it's a very fine Lewis which came from Battersea. Ben Bloor was very chatty - he is going grey! Coffee and bought some of David's books with donation to Christian Strover fund. Ben's recital was excellent and well attended. Stephen Disley, Sebastian. Bus to Vauxhall. St Peter's is a huge Pearson church with an 11 stop Lewis organ which sounds very well in the church. Train, tube, train home in time for question time at Spirit Unbounded. Sunny but colder.  Strictly was good.

Sunday much colder. Glad I covered car windscreen. Played Griffiths and Willan on Dominus regit me, The New commnweath Ralph Vaughan Williams. Henry came to play the organ. Grow meeting went on too long. I compromised on Remembrance Sunday - seems they have a trumpeter! 9 lessons and carols agreed for Dec 21. Suggestion to use Worship Today - it's bad enough the rubbish in A and M! Not sure how the wind is blowing - it seems children are the priority! Told Jaimee bad echo during sermon both weeks. Home for lunch at 1.15, Jacobin by Dvorak from Brno. Evensong Brewer in D Wilby If ye love me Tea and drinks had some good chats. Antiques roadshow from Crystal Palace. Merchant of Venice onTV.  Frank Finley Maggie Smith. Very camp costumes and poor sets. 1972

Monday cold but heating has come on. Chat to Ann. Charles rude again on What's App. It really is not necessary. Swim, exercises sat near Maureen at the back as there were a lot there. Home for lunchthen AgeUK tea and cake sat at Maureen's table and we answered questions about local services and what AgeUK could offer.  I made some suggestions about publicity, zoom about doing faith dialogue in secondary schools. To caffe Nero CCA and Laudato Si' animators in England prayer vigil outside Hotel intercontinental where the oil Oscars are taking place. Laudate deum read out, Taize, Allegri. To Brompton oratory for recital by James Wetzel from NY loved the Langlais! Liz back from Cardiff.

Tuesday covid jab No 7 at Beckenham pharmacy. Swim. Chivvied the PM about our Aug letter - no reply! To quiet time and met Anne Page practising loudly on the organ. Chat to Brian about art. Greta arrested outside the hotel - how stupid. It gives the cause a lot of publicity. Fake or fortune on Gorky.

Antiques roadshow, Only connect, University challenge. Best woodworker. Puglia hotel.

Wed swim and Liz came. She went to collect medals and handbooks to take to Brum. Bought Laudate Deum. Sandwich downstairs at cathedral with Louise and Alan. 14 came to the group and Abp Kevin was on great form. I videoed his speech. Alan Rainer was a pain. 6 new faces! Evensong from St Luke Chelsea. To Catenians fillet steak avoided Charles! Prayers for Bill Gallagher - guess who moaned about a minute's silence for Bill?

Thursday swim and to art. Esme had offered another painting for the hall but I finished the Cezanne style landscape and it will go up! Posted video of the talk yesterday to Facebook and You tube. St Martin's Ken Loach talk and his films. Liz went to doctor and Clare's. I cooked Anne Page at St John's was very loud and odd. Demessiex, Alain and Messiaen do not make for a good programme, The Rutti Transfiguration was the most interesting. Nice cakes and Fr John is in The Bridge twice. Bake Off.

Friday Liz was sick in the night. She set off for Birmingham at 7.30 a.m. Swim and Unacc paid for Nov lunch. Lovely concert at Croydon Minster with Katharine Nicholson and Richard Pinel including Hildegard Purcell and Vierne Angelus. What a treat! Had a nice chat about Emma Tring. To dentist Saarah Kaba looks about 20! Nothing wrong so come back in April. Zoom with Claus about Spirit unbounded. The Jacobin of Dvorak. Start of SM retreat from Little Gidding. Maranatha. Finally got hymns for tomorrow.

Sat SM retreat from Little Gidding very beautiful. Had to leave to go to St George's cathedral. Played piano for UCM mass at St George’s cathedral. I was not allowed to move piano nearer to the congregation so Anna stood next to me. I could not hear people singing or the homily! It was appreciated! Turns out the two choir ladies from St Gertrude's are married to Croydon circle Catenians. Met Westminster president from Whitton. Wet gettting to 468. Mark played well at the soiree. 6 of the choir sang 2 bits of Latin plainchant the rest was hymns so not fulfilling musically. I told Mark he was too loud in first hymn and gave his Dad the organists association newsletter. At the reception several Catenians and met Claire who runs a community choir Norman Harper is playing for their Advent carols Dec 9. Also met again Margaret Kelleher about the Letter. Not sure there is any equipment Fr Steve said there used to be a film club. Ashley annoyed me in his homily. Remembrance Day is not about glorifying war! But I need to keep in with him! Strictly good and cooked meatballs and beans.

Sunday played part of Franck Chorale no 3 . I thought t he red light came on sp I stopped. There was then a gap as the person Jaimee had asked to read the opening prayer did not respond. We sang King of glory Bach arr Harris. Peregrine sick again. Imogen rehearsed For the fallen with Nimrod. She reads it beautifully and it lasts 3 minutes. Catherine came she will practise on Tuesdays and leans with Anne Marsden Thomas at the Academy. I aske dif she could play 2 pieces at the carol service. Cooked beans and rice. To Dulwich gallery to meet Nelson. Both agreed Rubens sketching better than his paintings. Birth of the milky way is just horrid. Had a lovely chat over tea. Home and then to OLV for prayers for peace. Beautiful singing from 2 cantors. Saw Fr Francis and he would be happy to celebrate Mass for our golden wedding. Fr Dennis Touw and Rita and Michael. The mass had a choir of ladies but I did not like their American accent style. Home to see Strictly results and finish lunch! Liz rang. She had seen Geoff and botanical gardens.

Monday to aerobics but didn't swim as it is halfterm, Wrote up Joan Chittister article. Fnished Jacobin, Cooked, To the Oratory for excellent recital by Francesca Massey including Martin. Liz back. Only connect.

Tuesday swam at 9 and had the middle lane to myself! Chat to Ann and later rang Bruce on his 40th birthday. We both went to West Norwood picturehouse to see Dead man walking from the Met. It’s just amazing and is emotionally draining and packs a great message. Joyce DiDonato and Susan Graham and all the cast and orchestra were stunning. To Southwark cathedral to see Museum of the moon and Tim Marshall spoke without notes on geography and space. He signed his new book The future of geography. Bake off.

Wed Liz to Guys and all went well. Swim. Chose Advent hymns. University challenge. Caught up on emails. Planet earth III. We both enjoyed The Miracle Club. Marvels of the solar system Gresham lecture. SM lecture by Rory Stewart. Wrote to MP and Karen about the crossing incident at Selhurst.

Thursday swim. Training for Faith and belief forum for going into schools was very interesting. I think I prefer secondary schools. I now have to complete my story. LSiUk zoom heard about EACOP. Changes to our programme and now have a website! Ironing and Gresham on Barbra Streisand. Bake off. an extra slice.

Friday swim. To Sainsburys to shop - hate the size of this place and self checkout. Only 2 tills open. Both went to Unacc. Hoovered and towels in wash. Anita's zoom about parishes 4 there incl Sr Silvana from White City.


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