Guided prayer
Saturday to St James Petts Wood. Ecumenical day - I went last year. Great to see Fr Stephen Nietchial again. Fr Paul went back to Wales. Nadene was minister at St Mark's Yeoville. The first group on imagining Pentecost was excellent the second a big quieter. Spent a moving time with a young man. Home and then to Mass. Liz was back serving. Fr Stephen gave a good homily. Enjoyed Civilisation. T SJ quiz - it was far too noisy and John had to relay the questions and answers to me. Did not enjoy. Hymns for June and July came - very depressing.
Sunday played Fleming on Noel nouvelet. Margaret said how lovely the anthem was - Now the green blade. That was the one thing about Easter in the service. Teach me to dance is tricky to play and it did not come off well. Dubois Toccata was good. I came home and then could not find my church keys. For some unknonw reason Yoke put my bag at the organ instead of in the vestry so I was out of routine. Sent messages - no reply. Sent a long message to Jaimee about the hymns and asked for a meeting next Sunday after service. What direction are we going in? She could not have looked at Sunday by Sunday at all! Had a rest. To evensong and benediction at SJ - Dyson, Hurford. Mammals and nursing antiques roadshow.
Monday took Liz to Kent House to go to Aylesford servers Mass. Bromley PC for Daniel Moult's recital. Stunning playing and interesting Steel and Karg Elert. Jaimee emailed to say I should choose the hymns so that lifted my spirits no end. To interfaith picnic at Park Hill - it rained but we were in the pavilion. Nice food. Chat to Bishop Rosemarie about mentoring, Roots and blessings. Fr Tom, Fr Alan, Fire Brigade, Imogen, Church of Scientology folk who went to Cambridge. June music list redone.
Tuesday spoke to Ann, Covid jab, swim. To cinema NT live Nye. Very moving and brilliant acting. Michael Sheen and Susan Small were outstanding. Met Margaret and Paul Tobin. Nice chat to Clare.
Wednesday to Royal Society of medicine on buses because of train strike. First to the Wallace collection. Lovely watercolours by Turner and Bonington and special exhibition about Singh - lovely paintings not so keen on the swords and armur and OTT throne! Delightful lunch just the 4 of us. I resisted more wine so my bill was just on £28. Richard was his usual self chatting up the waitress. Stan on good form and John looking well. Buses home. Article written as redid June music list. To Beckenham for eve of Ascension mass and discussions. Talk quite good. Not so keen on being baptised in the spirit. At least we were away by 9.45 this week. Round the world excellent.
Thursday swim. To St Mildred's for Ada's funeral. She was 100. Paul sat with us. Lovely choral singing and saw Richard and Penny. Lovely lunch. Italian. So glad we went. Had a lots of trouble getting into LSIUK zoom ended up on my phone as well! Back on 2 buses took 90 minutes to Farm St. Laishley lecture by Prof Michael Barnes. Brilliant and nice chat afterwards. Michael and Siriol. Home at 11. Liz sang at SJ Ascension.
Friday Liz up early and to lymphoma conference in Westminster. To UNACC 7 in class. Tablet came. More Civilisation and letters and minutes from meeting done.
Saturday SM Regents Park. Angela and James get married today. To St John Dulwich for Prof James Carpenter recital. Walmisley new to me. He is very nice. Chatted to Malcolm about East End organs and told John Webber I am now choosing the hymns. To National Gallery too many people to see last Caravaggios. To Notre Dame de France Leicester Square - so many people. Simon Lawford did not come but Andrew Cessana got us to the console and he played Vierne. I played Rainier and Moore. To Mass. Eurovision contest -2 singers the rest rubbish. Too many male bodies on show - 2 in corsets. It's a song contest not about staging and lights! Madam Butterfly from the Met.
Sunday played JSB preludes for Easter and Ascension. Easter candle in side chapel low down! Easter garden gone! Nice eats at coffee. No sign of church keys and the ones Jaimee found were hung up in the vestry not on the organ! Will need a new set. Had a sleep! The piano, Antiques roadshow. SM and Tewkesbury evensongs. Discovered Brecon choral festival - looks good.
Monday swim and aerobics. No cabaret this week! Could not get into Colette's zoom! Ian Beale on Dickens the conjuror at Phoenix centre. Liz's ring disappeared and reappeared! SM Quiet meditation. Liz to confirmation class. Civilisation. Finished Michael Palin book.
Tuesday swim. Delightful Chinese violinist on LMP zoom. To quiet time and Liz went to Croydon cemetery to try and find Tom's grave. July music list done. Liz had council. Booking Brecon and Gloucester accomodation.
Wednesday To British Museum to see Michelangelos - lots of people. To cathedral cafe and interfaith group discussed question about synod. 6 there incl Pauline. To Town hall for FTIC presentation to outgoing mayor. They brought in refreshments! Then drove to Tooting for Cats and David was admitted. Votes on Australian motions - the second one was as clear as mud but we were warned it was divisive. Lots voted against removing practising from practising Catholic! Will we ever change? Nice dinner withJohn Hannan and met teacher Phil. Tired.
Thursday swam 14 lengths and art working on faces. Booked Brecon concerts and wrote to Gloucester and Tewkesbury about playing the organ. Liz to packing servers medals at Wapping. George Herbert played really well at St John's Buxtehude and Elgar sonata and a good audience. Race across the world reached Sumatra.
Friday swim and Unacc aerobics. Trinity was so late one person left. Only 5 there. Liz took medal to Beckenham. We then went to Dulwich gallery only to find it closed for filming so we took the pads to Poppy care home and had a delicious fish and chip and ice cream lunch at Coombe Wood gardens. Croydon laid off gardeners so the result is untidiness and wild growth but the rhodos are stunning. Proms planner done.
Saturday Liz to SJ for Pentecost camp. To St George's cathedral for Life in the Spirit retreat day. Fr Emmanuel was great. Did not like the songs only one trad hymn! I skipped that bit to get tea. Being prayed over left me very calm - speaking in tongues appears to be meaningless. Spent time in the peace garden. Charles Nicholls was there! Stayed for Mass and the Dean spoke well and was very welcoming. Watched Civilisation and Prince George.
Pentecost Sunday played Wyton and Cook and we sang Like the murmur by Alan Smith. Lovely day. Had a sleep. Evensong we sang Moeran in D, Howells tune for Holy Spirit, Tye and Stanford O for a closer walk. Durufle at the end. Gave out choir invites for Aug 4 and chat to Lionel. Betjeman.
Monday chat to Ann. Liz and Dennis got calls from Haeomotology Guys but when Liz rang there seems to be no reason for it. Swim and aerobics. Lovely day. Liz to UCM and I went to Beckenham circle at Langley Park. David Maguire got a 50 year scroll and cake. Warm welcome.
Tuesday to Pembury for the funeral of Anne Nicholls. Do not like Ordinariate liturgy which is a wierd mix of BCP, Thees and Thous. Priest sang a lot. Organ for 3 hymns - feeble. Nice reception at Black Horse pub. Too wet to got to Emmetts garden. Come dine with me the professionals. Sharon Osborne Who do you think you are.