
Showing posts from September, 2024

A new week

 Monday chat to Ann. Dennis came. It seems Clare had to come to the bank in Bromley! Swim and aerobics. Liz went for blood test in Purley. Deacon Ray's father died last night so I am landed with showing The Letter tomorrow night! 


Autumnal feeling.  When I got to church I realised I had left my organ version of The heavens are telling at home. In the end I played from vocal scores. We sang The garden of the world lament. It was school blessing day. Jaimee managed to drop the communion wafers in front of the choir. We picked them up. I don't think we should have done as our hands were not sanistised. In fact Jaimee should have consumed them and consecrated more. Lack of training showing again! She said something at the notices about nice to see new families - it's not always as bonkers as this! I played One more step on the piano but was not given enough time to get to the organ for the Haydn. Julie said she had asked for the short prayer before the accamation to be reinstated. I pointed out that I needed to be told! Also there is a priest coming next Sunday but we have not been told! To St John's for a lovely lunch under the trees cooked by Fr John now sporting a grey beard! Scaffolding is up for the