
34 lengths today and a lovely clear day if a little colder so lunch in the park. We had a theatre show for the kids - 3 groups came but one lot did not show. £325 for 2 actresses. To choir practice and Caroline is back from Oz so I filled her in on what has been going on and some of my frustration! We worked on Palm Sunday and "Cross of Christ" and Easter Day including the Haydn Mass so went on a bit late. I have made admission cards for Molly and Ella for Sunday. Also done the October 10 pin bowling booking form. I watched programme on Tom Driberg and the remainder of "Margaret" - Lyndsay Duncan excellent and John Sessions perfect as Geoffrey Howe. One even felt sympathy for her despite what she did to our country! Also saw a short programme on women becoming Chelsea Pensioners! Purcell evensong from Westminster Abbey. The cathedral is hosting Wednesday organ recitals again but free this time.


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