
30 lengths - tad busy! The outreach leafleting is going well. To Royal Academy for members preview of Kuniyoshi prints. I do nto know much about Japan and Japanese art. These are very colourful and often amusing. Also found the superb Michelangelo Tondo and looked at videos of modern architects commenting on Palladio. Got straight on a 14 bus. I was thinking how so many people come to London for the theatre and we never go, nor to the cinema and even the opera! When I retire I can do all these things. I had a judge in today in denial about turning 60 and getting his freedom pass - crazy - it's great to have such a facility and it should be extended to the trains in the morning. Edward rehearsed Rachmaninov with speech coach and the rest of the programme. Finished late so we got home 10.30 p.m.


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