Interfaith, Gossaert, Good shepherd Mass

Tuesday was a fascinating day. To the National Baha'i centre in Rutland Gate which is a lovely house given by Lady Blomfield in the 19th century. Malik Gul gave a presentation to the London Interfaith forum about Wandsworth Community empowerment network which was inspiring. When I think back to those early meetings when hardly anyone came! And now the Chief executive is involved! To the cathedral (just missed 52) to serve at Good Shepherd Mass with the Archbishop. Chaotic with kids everywhere and some poor liturgical practice like sitting during the Eucharistic prayer! Liz set off to pick up Ciaran from nursery. I went to the Gossaert exhibition at the National Gallery which was lovely. Met Barbara Wood and David from Battersea Park and his wife. Only £5 on Tuesdays for pensioners! Tried to cook risotto but used wrong rice and misread recipe so abandoned it! Dennis and Ann Marie arrived. To Beckenham Catenians as the Provincial president was visiting - good turnout.


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