Classic FM and faith and gender

Chori last night was shorter as we had done everything. Shostakovich 5 BBC Phil on Radio 3. Saturday to Haymarket hotel for champagne brunch with John Suchet and Gloria Hunniford who are both charming. 50 winners of Classic FM/Flora online competition. Celticana string quartet a delight for the ear and the eye! What a lovely morning. Stayed at hotel as online 4090 in queue for Proms tickets. After 2 and a half hours it was my turn and site would not connect so rang Albert Hall and eventually got through and ordered full season Prom tickets for the gallery for both of us by phone. Liz went to Kings Cross to get train tickets (we had lost our senior railcards again!) and to ENO for MND tickets for June 30th. I went to Streatham liberal synagogue for Faith and gender - interesting questions. Malik and Fr Tom from Corpus Christi there. Confirmation at Mass with Bishop John - felt redundant as George and Anthony were both there plus Michael who asked about the Holy Land pilgrimage.


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