Josie and icons
Swam 20. Battled with the Indian visa website - there was a small error on my application so ended up doing it twice and so many stupid questions, After all that appointments cannot be booked! Furious and sent a furious email which got a bland reply. To Mary's to discuss the funeral. Malcolm, Adrian and Ken were all there so that was good and I think it will be a lovely service at Thornton Heath. Bruce is coming over for it and Louise will sing. Strange that Josie never expressed opinions about favorite music and just enjoyed everything. Took Liz to East Croydon to go to Acton. I had supper and then waited in rain for bus from Selhurst to Croydon to go to police meeting. I spoke about how a year ago I was worried about South Norwood station being closed but at least I do see officers around but would people with poor English be able to contact the police. I met the new Borough commander and the Neighbourhood watch co-ordinator. On the whole the crime figues are encouraging as they are going down and we have more officers on the beat. To Acton and Louise forgot to give us the keys so came back. I took Sean to Watermans and he enjoyed most of it - he ended up gathering up the leaves. Yat was there with Mia. Picked up Ciarán and I went to St John Ladbroke Grove for an excellent illustrated talk on Russian icons by Sergei Brun the director of the Russian icon museum, Moscow.