St Michael's

Back to church and on good form. I played Willan and Archer on Nicaea, Quentin Thomas on Laus Deo, Mawby on Angel Voices and March on St Patrick's breastplate by Alec Wyton at the end. Fr Leon liked "How shall we sing that majesty" to Coe Fen - what a tune! Only 15 there. Fr Leon very supportive and keen to sort out the organ tuning. I emailed lots of people about the recitals. At evensong we sang Weelkes and Gibbons but Kathy's tuning was awry again. Keys to Adrian. Made videos of holiday photos. Monday back to mosaic - not many there. Ursula gave me a wooden elephant! To St Michael's Cornhill to Hear Jane Parker-Smith. She is brilliant but it was all so loud and no information about unknown composers! To Catenians and took minutes. Dennis came!


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