
 Thursday 1st. Art and finished the picture with Louise. Excellent animators meeting and with met Eloi. Henry came about underground Monument costume.To Mayday hospital chaplaincy and interfaith meeting. Agreed on a service on Match 7th.

Friday continued taking decoarations down. Candlemas so to 10 a.m. Mass at Beckenham. Fr Damien bumbled around and ended up touring the church to bless the candles! He then said Let us pray and realised it should be the Gloria. At least Blackfriars had the chants! We both went to Unacc. To No 2 Temple place The Glass heart - lovely stained glass and glass. To Breadline cafe for fish and chips and then 6 p.m. at St Martin's for Lite. Amazing light effects. Underground to Battersea Power station. Light festival was not projections onto the building but a few effective light features one controlled by a piano keyboard. I was exhausted. 

Saturday SM Jolley not allowed to film in the Olympic park without permission! St John's and an excellent replacement pianist. Did not catch her name. Beethoven, Schubert, Ravel all from memory and a very good audience. Mass at Beckenham and good to have Fr Steven back. Youth in action talk and she got a clap. I chatted to her about the LSIm animators course for young people.

Sunday Candlemas at church was a bit muddled. Simeon and Anna and those who have died. Still don't think Abide with me was right! Wrong Eucharistic prayer so one acclamation was said! Played Bach, Moore and my practice of Toccata by de la Tombelle paid off. Mary Byers was there as she is playing on first Sunday of March. Talked about Martin How. She lives in Oxted and drives carriages. Evensong interesting ATB In pace by Grayston Ives and Sumsion canticles. Call the midwife and throw down. All Christmas boxes put away. Still need to get trees into storage place. The petition about IFNET has started. 

Monday chat to Ann. Facilitators meeting on zoom so no swim. Aerobics. The King has cancer. Come dine with me. Antiques roadshow. Mindfulness zoom. 

Tuesday woke late. 4 lengths of the pool as took Liz to GP. Essex discussion and shared Synod card. To quiet time. Discussed the King and Ian Lavender RIP. He used to come to Earlsfield library and was charming. A lot of emails and Facebook posts about IFN. Gondoliers Act 1 from Scottish Opera.

Wed Interesting zoom with Bishop Paul Catholic spiritual directors in Southwark. Needs to be ecumenical. Swam 20. Letter came saying Hammersmith and Fulham are waiving the penalty fines from Boxing Day! Supervision group. More emails about IFNet. Took Liz's sample to surgery and nurse rang her. Final School for synodality session very good. Come dine with me. 

Thursday woke late no swim. Searching for Old Johannian photos with little success at art. IFN board announces closure. 54 have signed the petition so far. It is so sad. This will not help interfaith in the world. To St James Piccadilly for Art and Christianity lecture on the third King by Gus Casely-Hayford. Not sure that he really met the brief which was African religious art. Walked in rain from Green Park and got off bus there to get back to Victoria.

Friday wke late again so no swim. To UNACC sad to hear John Hatfield had died - he was always so jolly. To Croydon Minster for recital by Elin Davies an excellent player. Pity she played Messiaen! Alan was there and commiserations over IFN. Picked up Liz at Sainsburys. Come dine with me. Knowsley safari park. Labelling photos.

Sat slept late. SM Wesley in the City. LMP 75th anniversary concert at Fairfield Hall. All Mozart (it will be on radio 3 on Friday) We started with Ligeti 100 metronomes played by the 100 faces of Croydon. My metronome proved to be temperamental! Good to meet Eian who took my photograph. Martin James Bartlett played very well. A delight! We went by bus as parking is not great. There was a lot of going up and down stairs and my knee did not like that!

Sunday played Thiman on Slane and Gigout Toccata. We sang Be Thou my vision by Chilcott. Struggled with the March hymn list. 5 new items all of the Kendrick type and lots of the Lent hymns not included. Liz went to messy church. I have been a bit down this week. The IFN business plus the passing of 3 people. Call the midwife and throw down were good,

Monday to aerobics. Dennis and I waited two and a half hours and only saw a junior doctor on his first day so we must see the consultant. Crowded train as there was a match so back by 7. Quiz night.

Tuesday no swim as it's half term. LMP zoom David Temple from Crouch End festival chorus and George White viola.
Took Dennis and Henry to station off to Newcastle. March hymns decided - some pretty naff choices. Quiet time and picked up Liz at Mayday, Simon in the Kalahari. David Mitchells's outsiders.

Ash Wednesday Liz to Guy's and I went to St John Waterloo for Christian Climate action service for start of the prayer vigil outside Parliament. Salvation Army band and piano and guitar. Some lovely words to Love unknown and Finlandia. Pentecostal bishop, Tearfund, 5 speakers in all. Ashed by Bishop of Kingston. Met lots of people and interviewed by CAFOD. Met Liz at NJ. Lovely evensong from Guildford featuring MacMillan. Played Andriessen on Aus der tiefe, Parry and Willan on Rockingham and Bach O mensch bewein at said Eucharist with Ashing at Caterham. I was mentioned in the sermon! Imogen had a chat.

Thursday to art and sketched the plan for the next picture which is going to have a lot of faces! Really good animators meeting and zoom with James about the petition. Apprentice was good. Isle of Wight programme.

Friday took Liz to Mayday for colonoscopy. Trinity's session. A good session with James improving the petition which has reached 660! Scanned music for Paul Miller. Come dine with me.Would I lie to you? Sue Perkins in Alaska.


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