
To St Pancras via East Croydon to get train to Nottingham.  Had to wait at Travelodge which is actually not brilliant but cheap and convenient for St Barnabas cathedral. It was a splendid ordination on St Barnabas Day lasting 2 hours and Simon looked and sounded great. We washed the Bishop's hands using a towel which had been used earlier! Everything went well. Choir were on good form and sang Widor, Lauridsen, Mawby and Weelkes. A very long stand during the ordination itself! Nice party afterwards and the scouts formed a guard of honour. Tuesday a.m. saw Larry at breakfast and to the Albert Hall to meet David Butterworth to play the magnificent 1909 Binns organ. Bought his DVD. I played Andrew Moore and Crown Imperial. We served at Simon's first Mass as acolytes - this was at 1 p.m. in the cathedral. Lovely new Polish vestments. Bus to station and train. Picked up Ciarán from nursery and put him to bed - he took an hour to settle and twice I crept out only to find him on the floor! Wednesday was sunny so we went to the park while Liz had her hair done. Bruce came and good to see him. Made a cake and Ciarán helped! I went to interfaith group and we had 9 there including a couple who knew Ann Noonan in whose memory the document is inscribed! A good discussion and I put robes back in the tunnel.


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