A busy week

It's now Sunday and time to catch up on the blog! Monday to mosaic and tai chi. Rang Ed at the council about the torch relay. Worked on the essays. Did not go to David Standley's flat for meeting about Croydon interfaith walk. Tuesday swam 30. Liz to London hospital. Met Fr Rocco at 1 p.m. and he was really helpful and set it all in context. Gabriella, Saira and Luke were in the dining room - good to see them. Tutorial went well and Damian was encouraging. Did not discuss the short essay at all. To Royal College of Physicians for 4 p.m. and met Ann-Marie and Dennis there. Tour of the garden and the silver. Ceremony was very well done - we watched on a screen and had photos taken. Excellent reception and chatted to people from Coventry and Sheffield. To Acton.


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