2 great Proms

To pre prom intro to the concert with Rachel Leach and RPO members plus lots of youngsters from RCM and others. RPO conducted by Charles Dutoit Delius Paris, Saint-Saens 2 played by Benjamin Grosvenor (now 20) and Tchaik 5. Liz missed it as she took her computer to Westfield about the battery - problem not solved. Had an ice cream when I got to Acton. Wed Assumption to mass at Acton. Priest adding to the canon, prayers before the Creed! A singer and organ in awful Victorian hymns to Mary including at communion. How one loves the Irish - they can be so stupid about liturgy. Come dine with me. It was a bit wet but we did take Ciarán for an ice cream and a kick around in the park. To pre prom discussion with Marin Alsop, director of Sao Paolo orchestra and Cathy Graham head of music at British council. 61% of audience in Sao Paolo do not pay and 100,000 children go to the concert hall each year with proper preparation. I did not get a reply to how many go in London - I suspect only the posher schools and even that is patchy. A super prom Dvorak New world, Copland, Jane Tower Fanfare for the uncommon woman, Villa-Lobos  Momoprécoce with Nelson Freire, Ginastera and a rousing encore. Finished reading "Awakening of the West" about Buddhism in Europe.


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