
Bed at midnight, woke at 2, 5 and 6. Unusual dream - I was supposed to sing the gospel but had not had time to practise it. In the end I did not sing it and came into a room of black clad clerics and deacons (I was in ordinary dress) and one of them said "I really wanted John to sing the gospel" but he meant another John! Then somebody mentioned a response to the gospel sung at Christmas "The word was made flesh" sung by Marcel McCarron but of course we never did sing such a response! Swam 28. Watching dressage and Come dine with me. Interesting that the Praise bus video in London shows it going past Spurgeons College so they must have been staying in this area! Considering the hassle I had trying to get a band on the bus and it never came off! Watching men's triathlon and Michael Portillo on the West Highland railway to Mallaig - been there!


Peter Simpson said…
Deacons are clerics!

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