The brain

The dementia talk underlined that the brain has two modes -so one half can forget people but the other half has a feeling of wellbeing and happiness as the result of a visit. So it is vital to keep visiting those who appear not to know you. Does the same thing apply when someone is very ill or dying? Talking to the person can break through in some way. Did this happen when Jesus said "Mary" to Mary Magdalene? Recognition came at the supper at Emmaus from an action. I have been reading "The grace of waiting" by Margaret Whipp and she has much to say about waiting with those who are ill. Palm Sunday played Bach and we sang Drop drop and To mock your reign. The way of the cross at St John Upper Norwood was beautiful. Monteverdi, Walton Litany, Monteverdi, Parry on Rockingham, Bach and Philip Moore. The Durrells and the repair shop.


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