Charles 1

To Gaynor Mullane's funeral a sad but uplifting occasion. Don and the children all spoke so movingly.42 came to the dementia awareness talk! It was excellent and Aoife urged us to support Dementia friends and raise awareness. A major part of the problem is reluctance to tell the GP about short term memory loss. Henry came and saw Anne Marie about children's guides. To Royal Academy to see magnificent Charles I collection. Stayed overnight in Acton and spent the day cataloguing non-fiction in the library (which is in a mess again). I got my young helpers to tidy up. Great to see the boys again and they loved their new dressing gowns and the San Diego zoo map. An inspector came to see the library and said immediately a full time librarian was needed. Louise says no money for that! To Anerley to see a  film about St Catherine of Siena. Back to swimming and did 20 lengths. Better have taken over Croydon leisure centres from Fusion - I wonder if they really will be better?


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