Interfaith walk

The 33rd Westminster Interfaith peace walk in Tower Hamlets. Started in the Altab Ali park, then to East London mosque (excellent speaker) East London central synagogue (a small congregation who gave us wine) lunch at St Boniface German RC church provided by Sachkhan Nanak Dham. I visited the Open London exhibition at Whitechapel gallery and got the bus to St Benet's chaplaincy at Queen Mary University (this is round and decorated with scenes from Revelation). Guardian Angels RC church is impressive. I did not go on to the Hindu Pragati and the Sikh Gurdwara. Met Liz for tea (she had been at the Marriage event at Vaughn House). We had incense at vespers for the Nativity of John the Baptist and the Worth Abbey consort sang Byrd, Parsons and Tallis really well. An appeal for Mary's Meals. Watched Danielle de Niese programme on women composers and programmes on American impressionists and Iraq.


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