Splendours of the subcontinent

I woke at 6 and the boys arrived at 7! Sean why are you Bald? You're an old man. Me 71 is not old and you should have respect four dear grandfather! Fire alarm drill at school. A year 1 girl asked my name and then thanked me for making the library so nice. I was very touched. D'Arcy Trinkwon played well at Bedford Park and 60 there. Fine paintings on show too.The must see exhibition is Splendours of the sub-continent at the Queen's gallery. It is superb and wonderful to see so many beautiful things plus Queen Victoria's Hindustani notebooks. To Our Lady of the Annunciation Addiscombe for Faith in Action Croydon Deanery Justice and Peace service with Bishop Paul Hendricks. It was not a Mass and had unusual elements like sharing bread and moving around for the peace. The blessing of the new cross by everybody present took for ever and was accompanied by David Ogden's Christ has no body. Caroline who was at Coloma a year above Louise sang a solo set to a tune from Carmina Burana. Met Bishop Paul Hendricks and people I knew - quite a few Catenians there and our table looked good. Gave out some leaflets about the circle. Left at 10. Some Addiscombe parishioner realy put his foot in it by saying you're our organist! After 13 years away it still upsets me to be there, 


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