
Tradition dictates that I will spend ages unravelling the lights despite putting them away so carefully! Listening to Christmas in Coulsdon recorded in 2005! It comes up fresh every year. Also Adoration from Romsey Abbey conducted by George Richford. Superb! It is also traditional to put the lights on the tree accompanied by Glenn Miller In the Christmas mood as of course they get tangled again! It is also obligatory to announce "Next year we go minimal. No more 100s of lights just one branch!" Fr John at Mass and Carl lit the second candle on the wreath. Thibault did not show. We sang Creator of the stars of night arranged by John Scott and I played Rowley on Conditor alme and Walther Watchet auf. Odd that all the hymns this morning were in D major. In fact I played Crucifer in C. The posada has arrived from St John's. The idea is that Mary and Joseph stay overnight with us and then go to Nina and on round the parish. This is a first for us! More decorating! At evensong we sang Psalm 11 to a Bairstow chant, great tenor part! Stanford in C and This is the truth from above.


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