
 Sat began with Nazareth community walk around Southall and I did the garden bird watch from the back bedroom window. 4 wood pigeons, 2 crows, robin, 3 coaltits, 1 magpie, 1 blackbird, 2 gulls, 1 wren. Excellent zoom about Lifting the Lid.  Moved all the ornaments in the dining room - there are so many! It can now be painted. Film on Turner at the BBC. B and S. Haircut. Fr Peter can come on March 24th so I have asked him to be a backup. Revd Rose is wellknown to the Gartons! I will try again for her to come next year. Cathedral website advertised the zooms! Watched The Ice King about John Curry. 

Prelude for Candlemas JSBach, Nunc dimittis Chant B by Dyce, Paean on Divinum mysterium John Cook, Light of the nations Andrew Moore. Very cold morning. Ran out of time as we rehearsed the Chilcott Be thou my vision so did not robe. Spoke to Alan about making sure the livestream includes my preludes next month as I have advertised them. Safeguarding online course. Sharon Docherty is the third judge!  Call the midwife, Pottery throwdown.

Monday Liz to gym and observing a class. Sean painting dining room. Dennis came and we went through medical history. Gresham lectures on cosmic pathway and financial planning. I got kicked out of Magda's zoom! Chat to Balham guys. Living the change I left. University challenge. Mastermind. 

Tuesday Liz to physio at Guy's. Swam 20 and took organ shoe for repair. When I got back Sean had found the key but thought alarm was on which it wasn't! Caught up on University challenge and John Berger Art of Looking fascinating man! Watercolour challenge. Quiet time. Interesting synodal discussion. 

Wed Feb 2 Candlemas SM, S, Sean papered the loo and it looks great. Tree and crib down. Meditation. Dr Liam Travey on Jewish and Catholic liturgies - fascinating. I spoke about psalms. Prof Ryrie on Protestant missions to American Indian tribes. Meeting with Magda. Menduca clearly has problems and Martin was very helpful. Great British menu. Dropped off in the factory programme. 


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