
 Wednesday B. Nice chat to Ann. They are going to Tasmania for 6 weeks after all! To St Mark Woodcote for piano recital by Nataly Ganina - good audience, no applause between items, could not hear what was said so not sure if she changed the order. Rachmaninoff, Schubert, Franck. Sat with Joy and Geoff. Watched Queer Eye. Liz at Guys. Belmont vespers. Croydon climate action meeting was good. Inside the factory. 

Thursday woke very early. Gresham lecture by Prof Whitty on sexually transmitted diseases. SM, S and B. Art and completed a small picture in a few hours! Churches conservation trust on angel roofs in East Anglia. Some garden work - lovely day. Saw a wren. LSi animators - not pleased with Magda as she had forgotten the date we had suggestedfor the big event! John Paul now announces we need safeguarding training after a year. I was not pleased. Art and Christianity event on a South African film which was baffling. AmaHubo (psalms), 2018 by Buhlebezwe Siwani. Gresham lecture on Shostakovich 5. Digging for Britain and The Apprentice. 

Friday woke 2 and 5.B, SM and S.  Minutes of last night then long chat to Edward so changed comments. Phoned doctor. New Shark is very good and nice and light. It folds up too. SMITF tea. Liz to lake then car would not start at first. Belmont vespers. Prayers for Turow a Czech coal mine demo. Would I lie to you?

Nazareth Embankment gardens, S and B. To Caterham for a big funeral. On arrival at the console I found that I only had the left hearing aid. This meant that I could not hear the loop which comes in the right ear. Thankfully Fr Jerry had done a complete booklet and it did seem that people were singing. We used the Murray setting. We have a gospel to proclaim, O Thou who camest, There's a wideness in God's mercy and Love divine. To calm myself down I played some Brahms, Nimrod, Thalben-Ball ELegy, Vierne Berceuse and at the end I know that my redeemer liveth. I popped in at home to pick up the right hearing aid. Never had time for my lunch at straight to St John East Dulwich for a joyous afternoon with Anna Lapwood and workshop with young winners of awards for organ lessons. It was lovely to chat and they appreciated the free organ scores I had taken. There is no point in them sitting in a cupboard when somebody could be using them! The venue is good and I could hear everything. Good to see Charlie Warren and Harry Bramma.


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